Monday, January 2, 2012

Snoop Dogg Performances in New Year's Eve Party

From Shore Thing New Year's Eve party somewhere in Bondi Beach, Snoop Dogg prematurely leave to catch John Ibrahim for another gig in Kings Cross. According to report, he really need to go for a certain reason and for the flight bound to Melbourne, Australia. And in addition to this, he has been dragged from the stage not to be late for another 3-hours performance that awaits on the other side of the evening.

Snoop Dogg Performances in New Year's Eve Party

Guess what, he made his way to The Backroom, a club where John is currently waiting for another biggest party. But somehow, fans and ladies in Bondi has been dismayed because of the flaming fire he used to start. Photos and other video clips of Snoop Dogg performances in two different venue is now available in YouTube and you can try to look around from here for more.

Join us as we continue to follow his appearances and television interviews after of this break.

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