Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gabrielle Union Stated that Education is More Important Than Fame

Gabrielle Union, a 39-year-old actress recently teaches her Twitter followers with a words of wisdom coming straight from her heart. And she is absolutely correct, right? It is not because she's a graduate of UCLA with a sociology degree but of course, we can even think about it in our own way! In addition to this, she also expressed her disappointment to those folks who choose fame rather than to educate themselves.

Gabrielle Union Stated that Education is More Important Than Fame

To know more about it, here's a statements tweeted by Gabrielle to be supported by her vision:
"When a parent can tell me their kids favorite basketball player but doesn't know the name of their teacher, I feel rage. It is great that your children wants to be a model, but is she a model student? We've gotta get serious about education."
She's apparently having a great time saying these few words on the line and consistent enough of what she does. Let us keep up with her and support the most important thing we need to know about this issue after of this break.

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