Thursday, April 5, 2012

DeAndre Brackensick is Voted Out this Thursday, April 5, 2012

As the result of this Thursday, April 5, 2012 votes in American Idol Season 11, DeAndre Brackensick said his final goodbye to the country's top seven performer. For the first place, he is the wildcard pick of Jennifer Lopez but the voice of the people stands out when Ryan Seacrest announces that he need to start singing his final performance in front of the national viewers.

DeAndre Brackensick in American Idol Season 11

DeAndre falls to the bottom three along with Elise Testone and Hollie Cavanagh making a British-born American as the first safest contestant. Sad to say, the next announcement came to the native of Hawaii to sing his life song. And the Lucky 7 started their celebration for another spectacular weeks ahead of them. He might received a short votes compared to his rivals but the favor of the judges remains to the top contenders.

Next upcoming episodes of American Idol will give us a more exciting performances as the remaining contestants continue their journey towards the upper level. Let us join Steven Tyler, Randy Jackson, and JLo to keep up their good faith with the other possible stars.

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