Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sarah Ferguson Extradition Case in Turkey

The former wife of Prince Andrew, Sarah Ferguson is now facing an extradition case against the Turkish government. It is because of her video documentary taken from an orphanage way back in 2008. According to report, her case will probably be forwarded back to the country where she was suspected of violating a certain law. And the Duchess of York need to spend a maximum of 22-years in prison if found guilty.

Sarah Ferguson Extradition Case in Turkey

That video footage was now owned by a British television channel, Tonight. It covers reported cases of kids being tied on beds and other neglected orphans. Sarah goes undercover during that time and equipped herself with hidden cameras while on charitable visit somewhere in Turkey as well in Romania. Her objective is to expose the condition of the mentally ill children while in the rehabilitation centers.

However, she offensively open the minds of the viewers about of what is going on to that charitable institutions. She also noted in Reuters that she is a human right activist who is willing to help the poor and needy.

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