Monday, September 27, 2010

RIM Introduces The BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet

There are few of us who are not totally aware of RIM making a tablet PC to bump with the Apple's blockbuster iPad but now, the new story that came across to our attention recently taken straight from San Francisco brings us the reality about the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. At first, we heard a BlackPad is about to join the competition from Research In Motion, Ltd., a 7-inches model, a camera enabled handheld machine, with a stunning design depicted from most of the company's mobile devices.

RIM BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet PC

According to report, the availability of BlackBerry PlayBook will start next year but no words for pricing of this for now. We can expect this on the first quarter of 2011 but those specs provided by their CEO is not enough to confirmed the rest of this developing story on the side of technology. Let us hear some more soon after this break as new competing rival of iPad is about to join the biggest sale of tablet computers later.

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