Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bill Gates is Really a Death Panels Advocate?

The Microsoft overall founder is now on the centerfold of a serious issue which both involves the government health care related bill that push a big controversy face not only by the United States but also by the other conservative nations around the world. The "Death Panels" was allegedly supported by Bill Gates but we do not put our self on his side instead, we just try to give our own point-of-view on that stuff.

Bill Gates in Death Panels Issue

According to sources, Bill Gates totally support this issue and they considered an advocate of death but before that, he has a good reason to pursue his campaign, to save more out of the dying patient or person waiting for their final moment in their earthy body.

He is pointing to the other side although he earned a lot of criticism from that and we are now hanging around to check what is going on now for the latest updates we can get for this matter.

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