Thursday, September 30, 2010

Did Allan Kustok Really Murdered His Own Wife?

This story probably surprised everyone at Riverside Central Elementary School when Anita Kustok was reportedly killed by his husband recently. But according to our perspective, it was an accident shoot that lead to a homicide which involve Allan Kustok who drove her to the hospital after of the incident. We cannot totally determine the couple previous arguments from source instead, we find a lot of sentiments coming from those people who knows too much of the woman.

Anita Kustok Murder Case Report

Further investigation was currently ongoing were police and crime scene government personnel are now working together to unlock the reason behind. Anita got a shoot on her face which probably cause her immediate death and the previous report told everyone that her family member brought her to the nearby hospital but few minutes after of her arrival, she gave up from the wounds.

According to those statements that round from all over, giving their sympathy to her surviving family member, she is a great teacher who's become a new family member of the school where she was previously working. They are all saddened from his death, an unexpected thing to happen to a beautiful woman who's been with them for a common cause, to teach and molds the young minds of their children.

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