Friday, April 6, 2012

Navy Jet FA-18 Superhornet Wreckage in Virginia Beach

The wreckage of Navy Jet FA-18 Superhornet leaved a burning buildings and apartment complex as well fatalities from those people who happens on the crash site. And the pilot successfully ejected before the plane reaches the ground. Firefighters and nearby authorities immediately response to a possible unwanted casualties and luckily, the incident only cause a minor injuries to affected individual who are not aware during that time.

Navy Jet FA-18 Superhornet Wreckage

Further investigation is ongoing in the affected buildings. There is no report of critical injuries but the damage made by the Navy plane aside from its costs will probably reach to millions. According to report coming from civilians who witnessed the crash, fuel has been dumped the aircraft before the accident and probably, to avoid a much bigger damage.

Here's a statement of Bruce Nedelka, a division chief of Virginia Beach EMS as one of those folks who are currently around and witnessed the shocking accident:
"By doing so, he mitigated what could have been an absolute massive, massive fireball and fire. With all of that jet fuel dumped, it was much less than what it could have been."
It happened somewhere in Hampton Roads which is the nearby concentration base of United States military. And it is also known as the largest naval facilities in the whole world. A place with a quite populated neighborhood with medium-size buildings and houses.

They are now working to get the wreckage of FA-18 Superhornet and the cause of the accident was still unknown. Catch our updates soon as we continue to follow this report straight from the crash area.

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