Monday, April 9, 2012

Anne Graham Lotz Joins Rick Warren and Catholic Leaders Over the Contraception Policy

The administration of Pres. Obama is currently in a critical condition as church leaders showed out their innermost thoughts about the controversial contraception policy of the government. The daughter of renowned evangelist Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz, along with Rev. Rick Warren, and some of Catholic leaders in United States brought out their different perceptions and insights about the impact of this program.

Anne Graham Lotz Photo

Furthermore, the last Sunday, April 8, 2012 U.S.-based talk shows featured these most influential people in society. They can attract thousands or even million of Americans to oppose the government plan to revise the contraception policy by letting the insurance company to take charge of everything needed by his people instead of their respective employers.

Saddleback Church Rick Warren

And because of that, the birth control contraceptives will be provided by insurance firms. However, the Catholic church opposes everything since the start of the issue. They would like to ask the attention of everyone participate and open their curiosity about the new health care provision. But because of that, other religion already made a few steps behind and probably, because it is already close to some political agenda.

Anne Graham Lotz and Rick Warren surprised the national viewers. Some of us are not actually aware of their participation which is not common to any protestants to extend their hands with Catholic church leaders, right?

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