Friday, October 1, 2010

Karen Owen's Controversial PowerPoint Presentation

It was an odd story that came across on the Internet for a certain reason, people might not aware of what is going on with the Duke University right now. Karen Owen is one of these reputable institution who stirs a lot of controversy as she make a certain stuff which involves the star players of the school. According to reports, she admitted that everything what she had done is just a matter of test as she slept with the athletes making a detailed documentation of each, compiled in PowerPoint for a presentation, and there she goes.

Karen Owen PowerPoint Presentation Report

That PowerPoint presentation is not actually available on the web because of the serious impact that could turn down the name of Duke University, not only for its students but of course, for the whole world who knows too much about the history filled institution in United States. She actually earned the attention of the public but somehow, she now deleted all of his accounts in social media, the Internet and asked for apology on it.

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