Saturday, October 2, 2010

CNN News Network Fired Rick Sanchez

After of few speculation about Rick Sanchez's Psycho Babble Media punch yesterday, he was now fired by the CNN News Network for another serious violation. It is because of his recently started dispute with Jon Stewart of the Comedy Central, telling him a "bigot" while on his The Daily Show program. The channel confirmed this report to Sirius XM radio as they respond for an interview about the entire issue.

CNN Networkd Fired Rick Sanchez

Rick Sanchez ended his career in CNN News Network this Friday as noted by reports that are now headed to millions of the company's follower around the globe. For about six-years of service, the issue about Clementi Tyler trigger a turning point on him as we heard his name on the search spot before because of this.

Without a doubt, people knows too much about his influence, a powerful entity of mass media which could actually turn others career into nothing as he speak in front of the national viewers as well with the CNN cable subscriber who are following the show from where his name shines before. For the latest updates about him, try to check some more after this break.

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