Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Country Music Icon Doc Watson Passed Away at 89

The legendary country music icon passed away last Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at the age of 89 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He is a blind guitarist who captured the minds and hearts of his fans as well followers around the world because of his very fast flat-picking strums. Nobody knows the cause of his death because the story is currently in progress. Furthermore, Doc was born in the 3rd day of March, 1923 and he is also known in playing folk, blues, and gospel songs aside from the one that made him a famous musician.

His legacy can be remembered by the people who used to worked with him during his time and his surviving family members who knows too much about him. And he is also one of the pioneering artist in music industry who's name has been written in a historical archives. Aside from the above mentioned genre, he is also recognized as a bluegrass player way back in his early age.

He is also common in Grammy night because of his eight prestigious awards. No words for memorial service of Doc for now but you can try to look around in Twitter and Facebook to know more about of what happened and to discover the cause of his death. Before we can forget, he died surrounded by his loved ones in Wake Forest Medical Center.

To know more the contribution of this man, here's a video of Doc playing his Tennessee Stud:

You can also refer to other celebrity and music enthusiast sites for additional details related to this report.

Dennis Rodman Verdict from Child Support Case, Community Service!

The former NBA superstar is facing a one-hundred four hours of community service as jury of Orange County court gave his verdict from his child support case. He was found guilty of not paying his alimony for his own kid. And he is under a certain probation for three years as part of his sentenced. Sad to say, he need to pay his pasts owes to his ex-wife which will costs him an about $100-thousand in total. According to report, his pasts illnesses and being an alcoholic dad continue to destroy his life.

Dennis and Michelle Rodman Photo

Dennis need to continue his other battle in court starting this June 22 of this year for other related matter. That includes his contemporary charge aside from paying his remaining balance to his own family. The 51-year-old infamous basketball star is now facing a financial turmoil and we cannot compared him to Michael Jordan who is now enjoying their retirement benefits and Kobe Bryant who continue his career with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Children of Dennis Rodman

Furthermore, after of his career in NBA, Dennis has been in a series of television appearances. He's been with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), Celebrity Apprentice contestant, as well in movies. But his lavish lifestyle way back in the late 90's turned him to a neutral man in United States with no stable job. His marriage to Michelle ended recently as the woman continue to fight her rights and for her child.

However, his fortune continue to decline because of his spending and naughty way of living. And before we can forget, his speed boat has been pulled out recently somewhere in Newport Harbor due to another disputes with a local citizen.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Chris Bosh Sustained His Abdominal Muscle Strain

Last May 13, 2012, Chris has been out of his team due to abdominal strain during their first game with Pacers. However, Miami defeated and outshines during their face off in 6th match advancing to the post season as well for the Eastern Conference Finals. His team won the opening match last Monday without him and probably, because his well conditioned team doesn't lose their faiths from every member of their squad. According to the latest updates about his condition, he continue to sustained his abdominal strain and we just saw him sitting next to the other players at the bench. And far from what we know, he actually joined their practice as well giving his inputs and insights on how to handle the toughest players of the Celtics.

Chris Bosh Abdominal Muscle Strain Photo

Furthermore, his body shows a positive signs as noted by his coach Erik Spoelstra but they cannot totally determine the exact date of his return. As we all know, Derrick Rose of Chicago Bulls has been pulled out due to his ACL injury and leaving his team unstable against the Sixers. They lose the entire opportunity and now, Chris is following his back but with a different situation and suffering from other body injury.

Dwayne Wade recently noted that their friend continue his appearances in court but he cannot join the drills and game plan to defeat the Celtics. He might be far from the exact schedule to enter the post season games because his doctor will not probably allowed him to play because of his injury.

Chris Bosh in Game 1 with Pacers

In the other side, Ray Allen is currently suffering from ankle injury which is pretty similar to Derrick. His team cannot expect a good performance from him because of that. The other member of his squad is having a lot of trouble without him but Kevin Garnett continue his quests along with the other outstanding players of Celtics to win their other upcoming games.

They are now probably restructuring their game plans just to overcome the threats of Dwayne and James. The two top scorer of Heat since then.

Monday, May 28, 2012

First Post Season Game of Heat and Celtics, Who Will Win?

The Eastern Conference Finals of NBA has been heat up by fans and followers of Miami and Boston when the crowd started to gather for their support not just in court but also in social networking sites like Twitter as well in Facebook. I wrote this article while in the middle of the game (in 1st quarter) to figure out the successful squad that will outshines in game one. This game was scheduled this Monday, May 28, 2012 at around 8:30 P.M. (E.D.T.) but the only portal that I have is the official website of NBA to catch the latest updates coming from their Playoffs substantial page.

Currently, Heat got a score of 17 while the Celtics continue to move from 9-points. For the last three remaining minutes of the 1st quarter, people in arena has been intense by the outstanding play of the two strongest team at the Eastern side. Yesterday, we witnessed how the San Antonio Spurs defeated the Oklahoma City Thunders at the score of 101-98. But now, let us forget the other side and take part in the exciting game of Heat vs Celtics as they face for the first time for the glory of their names.

Who will be the top scorer from both teams? Predictions coming from sports analysts following the footsteps of LeBron James and Dwayne Wade exchanges their effort just to figure out the right MVP of this season. Every movements of these players continue to capture the attention of the national viewers while in the other team, Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, and Paul Pierce shows their humble appearances in their last game with the Sixers.

Stay tune and we will continue to send you the latest updates straight from the court-side or visit the official website of NBA for more.

Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marinoni is Got Married!

Despite of left and right criticisms, Cynthia finally tied a knot with her longtime girlfriend, Christine Marinoni in a private ceremony that took place last Sunday, May 27, 2012. The weeding took place somewhere in New York City while the country celebrates the Memorial Day and others are on their track to a weekend holiday. Both of them are now at their mid-40's and will now probably live together for the rest of their life along with their son.

Photos taken from their wedding starts to round this morning in Twitter and Facebook. Fans and followers of Cynthia started to send their greetings in different ways. And because of that, we confirmed that there are people who really support their odd relationship. For 8-years, the two has been spotted dating and spent their time together but now, this might be the right time for both of them to celebrate their freedom and gift of life.

Their 1-year-old son, Max Ellington cannot witness the said occasion but as he grows up, he might learn how to understand the situation of his family circle. Nobody knows the truth behind his true parents nor his mother but as we all know, he was a lucky kid for the fortune of his actress mom.

Furthermore, you can try to look around in YouTube to catch the video footage taken from their wedding aside from knowing this report. Cynthia shows a very elegant dress designed by Carolina Herrera, one of the famous and finest designer in Hollywood. And you can catch their upcoming television interviews especially in talk shows to discover their future plans as legal couple living in United States.

Former Boxing Champ Johnny Tapia Was Found Dead

The former featherweight, bantamweight, and super flyweight boxing champion has been found dead last Sunday, May 27, 2012 inside of his own house somewhere in Albuquerque. Autopsy to know the cause of his death is currently ongoing and authority are now working behind the case. Johnny is one of the legendary fighters who started his career in early 90's and became a famous boxer in early years of 2000's. His international fights inspired his fans as well followers to keep track of his life. He is one of the most controversial person in the world of sports during of his time because probably of his family background.

According to him, he witnessed the murder of his mother and he was born with the absence of a father. His birthday falls to Friday the 13th, which leaved him a lot of question to answer. For four times, he was reportedly dead before but now, the 5th is not an hoax anymore but a true story coming from authorities who are now headed to solve the mystery of his death. People who knows too much of him can tell us the pasts life of this man but for now, we are waiting for at least one message that can give us a detailed idea.

Furthermore, his experiences in life has been made public by his own passage. He saw the murder of his friends and family member but nobody believe on him during that time because of his young age. His ups and downs inspired him to keep his fight but when the gym where he was trained closes, he find a lot of trouble to continue his journey in the ring.

And before we can forget, Johnny battled his lavished lifestyle outside his professional career. His negative experiences probably drive him to keep up his journey but everything is over now. He was married to a woman who doesn't even last for a week. But a Golden Gloves award winner who found his temporary success in the boxing ring. The Mexican boxers who's been with him can remember his name far from what they know during his present remaining days in United States.

There is no memorial service announcement yet but you can try to look around in Twitter as well in Facebook to catch the other related report about the death of Johnny after of this break. And at the age of 45, he finally said goodbye for his loved ones.

Gordon Ramsay Injury from UNICEF's Soccer Aid Match

The Old Trafford stadium has been stunned after Teddy Sheringham smashed out Gordon ended his participation as a member of the Rest of the World team. It was a UNICEF's charity game, a yearly match were television and movie stars showed out their talents facing the toughest players of the well known soccer teams. It happens last Sunday, May 27, 2012 when the incident shook the audience as first aid stuffs pulled him out of the field.

Rest of the World Gordon Ramsay Injury Photo

He was replaced by James McAvoy, one of the well known star of X-Men: First Class who also faced the England along with the other remaining member of his team. However, the game ended in 3-1 score in favor of the professional athletes. Gordon shows a wincing face because of the pain coming from one of his knee. That was a hard hit which can really took down anyone who are not prepared from a strong bump.

Furthermore, he formerly stopped that ball and make a few stunts without knowing that a striker coming from his back is trying to destruct his movements just probably to lose the ball. It was just an accident but a very memorable one that can leave a big mark for him from the friendly match.

For more, here's a video of Gordon struck by Teddy in the middle of the game:

The medical representatives of the match did not wastes their time and immediately pulled him with a stretcher.

Aside from Gordon, Will Ferrell and Michael Sheen has been in the same game along with other television stars. Robbie Williams joined England before and celebrates their wins with a real professional footballers. The injury of this man can probably remind the other players to keep a possible safety because they are not really a Donovan or Ronaldo's alike athletes.

Abducted Pregnant Woman Who Was Set on Fire, Survived!

A shocking story of a pregnant woman who has been set on fire and shot by her former lover is now rounding the line coupled with a touching story. According to report coming from ABC News, she was with her boyfriend during that time when the man attempted to cut her life. A 9-months pregnant and 22-year-old future mom whose been kidnapped somewhere in Warren, Michigan survived from a possible death due to her own life saving strategy.

If you are asking for her name, the authority kept the privacy of her details due to a very sensitive issue around while investigation continue. The incident happens last Saturday morning of May 26, 2012 when she tried to drop-by at the house of her ex-boyfriend new flame. Someone just pulled her inside and wrapped with a ductile tape all over her mouth for no one can hear her screams.

She was put back at her car blindfolded and has been driven straight to Detroit where the man started to lit her up and gave her a deadly shot. However, the woman manage to get out of the vehicle and starts to roll just to kill the flame all over her body but the man took a chance to shot her at the back. After that, she played dead just to trick the killer.

Furthermore, her ex-boyfriend is now under the custody of authority when police immediately pick him out as the primary suspect of the incident. For now, nobody can confirm the entire story and it could be a hoax or anything that can capture our attention. In addition to this report, no one from the witness nor the victim calls the 911 emergency hotline after the incident, a slightly misleading situation for the whole truth, right?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dan Harmon of Community Has Been Fired by NBC

It is sad for Dan to hear that his boss is now firing him far from what he know without a single words or written documents that reach his camp. He is a pioneering personality behind the NBC's Community sitcom which is also owned by Sony Pictures Television. The chairman of the network entertainment department, Bob Greenblatt fired him without a prior notice. Furthermore, Dan wrote in his blog about of what is going on between him and the people in the TV network.

Dan Harmon Photo

Here's a statement of Dan in regards with this issue:
I think he meant to say he's sure cookies are yummy, because he's never called me once in the entire duration of his employment at NBC. He didn't call me to say he was starting to work there, he didn't call me to say I was no longer working there, and he definitely didn't call to ask if I was going to be involved.
Furthermore, the all new season of Community is coming and the role of Dan will be replace by David Guarascio as well with Moses Port who are probably aware of what happened next to the decision of the television network management. Firing the original star of the comedy series can probably affect the ratings of the show as his fans and followers starts to ask him rather than the other actors, right?

Dan Harmon in NBC's Community

We are about to witness the special participation of the two above mentioned stars who will join the hilarious series of NBC. But the doubted truth behind this twists is very unlikely for most of us following Dan since then.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Wedding Photos

The co-founder and CEO of Facebook tied a knot with her long-time girlfriend, Priscilla in a private ceremony that gathered their closest friends and relatives in Palo Alto, California. For the pasts nine years, the couple remains in a stable relationship as noted by those folks who knows too much about them. And the woman recently graduated at her medical course in University of California. Photos of the newlywed couple are now available on the line and probably surprised anyone who are following their lives.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Wedding Photo

Furthermore, the wedding took place this Saturday, May 19, 2012 at the house of the social networking site tycoon. He immediately updated his profile from "In Relationship" to "Married." You can catch some of their photos and videos in Facebook as well when Mark decided to upload some of it for his followers and network of friends. However, it is a very private event that no one knows from the other side of their fences and in our surprise, we've been amazed by the simplest occasion that happens in the life of a young billionaire.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Photo

As we can remember, few days ago, Forbes listed Mark as one of the richest people all over the world and has been follows by making their company out for public (NASDAQ). It's probably a part of their plans to get married after the said announcements.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan

Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg Walking Together

And before we can forget, Mark and Priscilla met way back on their college years in Harvard University. According to previous report, their relationship has been tested by time and just like of any other couple who end up in a ringing of bells to commit themselves for a lifetime.

Will Smith Slaps a Ukrainian Reporter in Moscow

The Men in Black star is currently in Moscow to promote his new film and recently create a headlines due to an awkward situation. He slaps a Ukrainian reporter who approached him while in the the middle of the crowd as the other man tried to pulled him for a hug and he closely kiss Will in the mouth. However, the intention of that person is not to do that stuff but because probably of his unwanted movements, the actor feels bad about it.

Will Smith in Men in Black 3 Photo

It happens way back in Friday, May 18, 2012 during the red carpet premiere of Men in Black 3. Will is currently one of the coolest celebrity we ever know who turned himself from a rapper to a full-grown actor. Furthermore, his gesture captured the attention of the other reporters and the story starts to round like a rumor that nobody can hold it back as it surface on the line.

Men in Black 3 Movie Poster

That happenings has been captured in video which is now available in YouTube as well in other streaming resources. For more, here's that clip that will give you a few important idea behind this odd story:

The man who's been slapped by Will was totally embarrassed as you can see on the above video, right? He just turn his back and get out of the scene while the actor continue to face the other folks who keeps on asking him a series of question.

Lisa Marie Presley's Storm and Grace Album Reviews

Since then, Lisa doesn't find any place to hide herself from public. Her pasts relationship with Michael Jackson and Nicholas Cage created a headlines in most of United States and international news papers because probably of her family root. The legacy of her father can be remembered through her life but her ups and downs in life is like a remarkable line in the history of her ancestors.

Lisa Marie Presley 2012 Photo

Way back in 1994, she married the "King of Pop" that lasted for only two years and followed by Nicholas which ended in nearly four months. However, she continue her career in music and her albums earn a lot of criticisms as people start to compare her voice and performances to her father. Her first album came out in 2003 entitled, "To Whom It May Concern," a compilation of a slightly defensive songs.

And now, her appearances in American Idol recently shows a different style as she performed one of her single. She is now probably working to change her old ways in music industry and the remakes of her tunes gave us an idea coming from the "Rock N' Roll" lyrics of her father. Her new album was entitled, "Storm and Grace" captured the tastes of her fans and followers.

Lisa Marie Presley Storm and Grace Album Cover

She recently performed "Sticks and Stones" in American Idol and garnered the good reviews of music enthusiasts around the line. We are now looking forward for her success because somehow, she is working too hard just to lift the legacy of her beloved father.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Photo of Brittney Palmer and Bryce Harper in UFC

The unusual experiences of Bryce from the diamond of MLB to UFC match last Tuesday, May 15, 2012 is a great stuff for us to admire. He's been with other models but to have a photo taken from a very admirable personality in Dana's spectacular show is a different story, right? His chance to take a shoot with Brittney is just a dream of somebody else while at the ringside.

Brittney Palmer And Bryce Harper Photo

It has been followed by a lot of rumors coming from those people who are probably following his gig. According to them, the two has been spotted dating next to that evening match but he answered those calls coming from celebrity gossip sites that he is not dating Brittney. The 19-year-old athlete is probably having a great time with someone else but far from what we know.

During that night, Bryce was accompanied by Edwin Jackson, his closest friend and a teammate. Few days ago, we saw his bloody face while in the field during the Washington Nationals game because of his frustration. And now, he's back in the spotlight but probably, just to hanging around to keep his temper cool.

Somehow, he is still a very lucky man at his age. Someone are just probably wishing to be like him and hit the man with a lot of odd stuff because of his appearances with a much older woman in UFC ringside.

Jenny McCarthy in A Famous Magazine Cover

Whatever the name of that magazine, we don't want to mention because we are not actually promoting that stuff in our article. However, it is good to hear this story from her plan to make a new pose that will probably stunned us for another chance. Way back in early 90's, she became the headlines of that prestigious publishing company and captured the hearts of her fans and followers. And now, you are about to witness her handful of photos by the month of July.

Jenny McCarthy Magazine Cover Photo

Furthermore, it's a part of her plan to do the odd stuff again before her 40th birthday and her pictorial is now ongoing as noted by our source. She's been with a series of television projects produced by the same magazine in 2005 and appeared in uncensored music videos. And last February, VH1 brought us her own show that gave us her close interviews with other stars coming from Hollywood.

Aside from that, she's been in Charmed, Two and A Half Men, and Singled Out before her comedy series. She is the former flame of Jim Carrey but ended their relationship in 2010. She is the ex-wife of John Mallory Asher, a film director and actor leaving her a now 9-year-old son.

And before we can forget, catch her in the month of July and take part of her pictures in our upcoming photo galleries and other reports.

Elin Nordegren and Jamie Dingman, Broke Up!

The ex-wife of Tiger Woods is back to being single again as she confessed her relationship with Jamie end up recently. She met the wealthy investor way back in 2011 after her divorce to a golf superstar. And according to report, she plead for a right father that will accept her kids, a more stable man for her family. The 32-year-old mother of Sam and Charlie is now looking for a right person who will stand for them.

Elin Nordegren and Jamie Dingman Photo

Jamie and Elin crosses their lines in a charitable event hosted by Red Cross in the month of January 2011. For more than a year, the two broke up for unknown reason. The woman leaved this undisclosed story for her followers and to those people who knows too much about her. As we can remember, she earned the spotlight when her marriage came to an end with Woods.

Here's a statement coming from Us Weekly reporter during the interview of Elin:
"He's a really fun, exciting guy and she needed that, but she wants someone more stable for the kids now. She's back to casually dating."
Furthermore, she is a former model and probably, it is good for her to return in the industry where she started her career to support the needs of her family. Her ex-husband doesn't failed to provide the needs of his kids while in her custody.

Few days or weeks from now, she might found a new boyfriend next to Jamie who is also linked to Bridget Moynahan before his relationship with her.

Jenelle Evans is Now Engaged to Gary Head

The controversial star of MTV's Teen Mom 2 is back in the spotlight as celebrity gossip sites unveiled that she is now engaged to Gary Head, her 22-year-old boyfriend. She recently tweeted a photo showing an engagement diamond ring on her finger. However, her relationship has been in a lot of turmoil from the past five months but now, she is now probably ready to tied a knot just to tell her fans and followers that she is worthy despite of her history.

Jenelle Evans and Gary Head Photo

At the age of 20, she might be at the right age to marry and welcome the responsibility of being a mother along with her own family. And last month, we heard that the two broke up due to Kieffer Delp, the old flame of her upcoming partner for life and the third party woman that ruin their relationship. Furthermore, she undergone a surgical operation that change the most important part of her body and according to her, Gary supports that makeover.

Her photo shows a proud woman wearing her engagement ring and smiling in front of her probably, computer camera. She sent this pics last Wednesday, May 16, 2012, the same day when her man proposed on her. We don't know of the other happenings behind of that lovely face with an off shoulder dress.

For now, we don't hear anything about the father of her son, his former lover that caused her to raise him as a single mother.

Son of Jenelle Evans Photo

Way back in January, Janelle has been arrested due to domestic violence in their home at Brunswick County. Her mugshots starts to round in Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites after her arrest. She smiles in front of camera just like she doesn't care of what is going on.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rohan Marley and Isabeli Fontana Engagement

Despite of his long-time relationship with Lauryn Hill, the son of legendary reggae artist, Rohan is leaving his partner to marry Isabeli Fontana of Brazil. A model who captured his heart and drive him to change his heart. For the past 15-years, he kept his private life and probably to protect his kids from the influence of their career in music. And according to report, the woman he is about to marry gave her statement in MTV about their wedding plans.

This might be a very surprising story for fans and followers of Lauryn who is also gave birth to her 6th kid last year but not from Rohan. She never name the father but people are now probably talking about her because of what is going on in her life. We doesn't hear a turmoil on her relationship with Rohan and because they isolates themselves since then.

The engagement of Rohan and Isabeli surprised us and even the celebrity gossip sites. Far from what we know, the man is already dating his new partner for almost two months already and he is planning to tied a knot with a model coming from the root of his family.

Britney Spears is Joining Fox's The X Factor as Judge

Yeah! You heard it right! Britney is coming the all new season of Fox's The X Factor and you can catch her soon in the camp. She is about to play a big role, as one of the show's outstanding judge with a very promising payments. While Jennifer Lopez is up for her possible plan to leave American Idol, the controversial singer is now headed to one of the country's prestigious reality show on TV.

Britney Spears in The X Factor

We've been surprised by this report coming from Us Weekly as well from other celebrity and television enthusiasts sites. But it is true that she recently signed for a million-dollar contract for another project that can bring a lot of fortune for her family. Other people starts to turn her down upon hearing this but her other fans and followers are now expecting her appearances in a British inspired show.

She's been on her ups and downs but now, she is back for another gig that will probably captured our attention as the show goes on, right? She might be far from some of our expectations but we believe that this woman can inspired the national viewers as well the other aspiring stars to follow her footsteps in the music industry.

The filming of the show will start few days from now and you can catch her soon as she gave her own decisions for the possible winner and next star that will rock the country.

Jennifer Lopez is Leaving American Idol, Again?

Last year, we heard that J'Lo is planning to leave American Idol and now, according to the latest report coming from a celebrity gossip site, she is just waiting to finish the 11th season of the show. It is because of her busiest schedules but nobody and even Fox can give the exact lines about her plans. In addition to this, rumors starts to rumble in Twitter as well in Facebook noting that she is just hoping for any additional salary increase and must be called the highest-paid reality TV host.

Jennifer Lopez Photo

Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler, as well Ryan Seacrest are not probably aware of what is going on and we do not hear their names from any comments coming from their camps for now. We cannot deny that J'Lo is not common to this issue after her divorce with Marc Anthony and flirting to someone else from her backup dancers while AI goes on.

Jennifer Lopez and Her Buddies in American Idol

Other people are hoping that J'Lo will continue her appearances in American Idol Season 12 and to inspired the other aspiring contestant to start their dreams in front of camera. Furthermore, the ratings of the show dropped this year more than from their expectations. Her $15-million contract is already big enough to raise her family and to support their needs.

This undisclosed issue is currently the headlines of celebrity gossip sites and we are still hoping for a public confirmation coming from her side to believe that she is really planning to leave or not.

Mary Richardson Kennedy Was Found Dead at Her Family's Home

The wife of Robert Kennedy, Jr., the nephew of former president of United States was found dead last Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at her family's home. And the tragedy shook the heads of everyone who knows too much about her. According to report, she continue to battle her drinking problem since then and she was previously arrested due to her intoxicating behavior in public. Mary passed away at the age of 52 leaving her four kids to her loving lawyer husband.

Mary Richardson Kennedy Photo

Furthermore, she an architect and her friends noted that she is one of the finest woman in her line. Her creations and designs are very admirable because of her unique tastes in applying a greener technology. And those people who loved her way are looking forward to the goodness of her children. Investigation is currently ongoing to solve the mystery of her death and the Kennedy's kept their privacy from the media and giving no further statement about the tragedy.

Mary Richardson Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, Jr. Photo

Way back in 2011, the judge dismissed her DUI case because of she doesn't know of the right medication for her problem. Her story has been added to the tragic incidents that happened to the family of Kennedy. The assassination of the former president is one of the darkest moment of their time and now, losing a lovely woman from their clan is probably a way for us to remember the ex-president of the country.

No words of public memorial service for Mary and autopsy is currently ongoing as well further investigations to unlock everything.

Linda Hogan and Charley Hill Break Up!

The former wife of the famous wrestler, Hulk recently announce her break up with Charley, her 23-year-old boyfriend next to her marriage. At her age, we cannot deny that other people will think an odd relationship, right? However, she already change her status in Facebook from "In Relationship" to being "Single." She also gave her statement about of what happened and as they decided to take a different path for good.

Linda Hogan and Charley Hill Photo

Furthermore, the two earned the attention of the nation when they come out to tell the public about their intimate relationship which also surprised her former husband and family. Nobody can tell of what will going to happen on them but their followers in social networking sites continue to gave their sympathy and criticisms. Few weeks ago, Access Hollywood Live got a chance to ask a few exciting part of her new life and other interesting topics. But now, the change of heart is like a lightning that hits the couple for another beginning.

Here's a status updates of Linda in regards of her relationship with Charley:
My status has changed. I am now single. After the great therapy we had together and time to think and concentrate on who we are and who we want to be, Charley and I decided that we should each travel through life in different directions.
Linda probably disappoints her followers and we are looking forward to her public statement prior to her wall posts in Facebook to confirm this story.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lamborghini Gallardo Crashes in Chicago, Captured in Video

For about $200-thousand car, you probably choose to keep away from any possible danger, right? But the driver who crashes his Lamborghini Gallardo sports and luxury vehicle somewhere in Chicago is quite far from what we think. The crash was captured by a group of people who are previously following his rear bumper while the red light is on stopping them in the middle of the street.

Yellow Lamborghini Gallardo Photo

As the light turns to green, the Gallardo immediately accelerate and made a U-turn that cause the car to stop in the middle of Honda CR-V SUV and Mercury Grand Marquis sedan in the wrong lane. The video posted by these folks in YouTube earned a lot of attentions as well criticisms from the viewers. This clip reached the Yahoo auto-enthusiasts and become one of their main page featured story.

And before of anything else, here's a video of this yellow Lamborghini that stir and captured the attention of the blogging community:

The driver of CR-V and Marquis get out of their vehicles to check the driver while in the middle of their rides. And the sports car turned to a burger buns because of its enormous speed. Nobody knows the name of its driver but hi-way police are now probably working to solve the case. He might be drunk but it happens in the middle of the day or it is also possible that the powerful acceleration cause this car to wreck.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ryan Seacrest is Selling His Hollywood Hills Mansion

Actually, Ryan already tried to sell his home way back in 2010 for about $15-million but because of unknown market value, he failed to end up a deal. And now, he is selling it again for only $12-million and keeping up with a declining value. The mansion was formerly owned by Kevin Costner and he acquired this in 2006. It was featured in Architectural Digest as one of Jeff Andrews famous work of art.

Ryan Seacrest Photo

It is composed of five bedrooms with four bathrooms residing in about 8-thousand square foot area in Hollywood Hills. Furthermore, it is also added with a private tennis court, swimming pool, garage (detached from the house), and with a beautiful view around the Los Angeles, California. The package also include a peaceful garden with a wonderful landscape.

Ryan Seacrest Mansion

The American Idol host is giving a much lower price at this year auction and probably, because it is hard for him to sell the entire place to anyone who already got an interest. Other celebrities are now watching his fortune and the view around his mansion cannot be replace by anything else. It is already a remarkable home for him as well to his family.

Bryce Harper Injury After Losing His Temper

After losing his temper, Bryce got a bloody small cut on his face when he strike his bat somewhere in the tunnel giving him a slightly strong bounce. It is because according to report, his three consecutive strikeouts triggers his anger and cause him to do something while in the bench but never expect this to happen. He recently gave his a statement about the incident and told the news that it will not be repeated again.

Bryce Harper Injury

The 19-year-old professional player in Washington Nationals got a zero score and he made a mess that he will never forget in a lifetime, right? It is just a minor accident but people who are currently looking forward to his success will probably drop their tastes because of his impatient. He is known in his pasts outstanding performance in the field but now, that will teach him a few lesson to remember.

Furthermore, his frustration lead to a more sophisticated situation and somehow, after watching the replay of his game, you can see his face with blood coming from his forehead. Davey Johnson, his manager ask him to take a rest for few days but the doctor who assisted him cleared the man from a possible danger and he is now ready to join the upcoming game of his team.

And the lesson, the wall has nothing to do in losing or winning a baseball game! Frustration can somehow teach us a lot of important things in sports.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Daniel Huf, The Miraculous Man from Australia

Daniel is a 30-year-old Australian who captured our attention upon hearing his news from Associated Press. According to report, he was pronounced dead after a tragic car incident that leave him upside-down for nearly one hour in his Porsche. It happens way back in April 1, 2012 and guess what, the paramedics who assists the authority to remove him from the wreckage declared him dead but during the investigation, the police discovered that he has a faint pulse.

He was immediately sent to the hospital and investigation turns to the two paramedics who pronounced his death earlier. His father noted that it was a miracle that his son is now fast recovering from his wounds and breakage. The man can now recognize the people around him and he can even dress himself without the help of others. Furthermore, that deadly crash leaved a traumatic experience to the emergency workers who are currently in the middle of another situation and will probably lost their jobs.

The above photo show the wreckage of his car taken from a local newspapers. If you believe, no one can probably survive from that situation, right?

However, Daniel has been discharged already after a few days of rest. The accident can probably remind him of what happened and his remarkable recovery is a miraculous thing that happened to an ordinary man. He survived but giving us a great lesson to remember.

Jennie Garth Talk About Her Divorce on TV

After her divorce with Peter Facinelli, Jennie recently talk about her ups and downs in television. She gave a very honest statements that marks the end of her relationship with her former husband and the father of her kids. According to her, she was totally shocked as the divorce starts to knock at her door and it is because she loved her family and she has nothing to do with it but to handle all the possible consequences.

She admitted that her love to the man who complete her life for a while brought her a lot of stuff to consider since they tied a knot to each other. And she is not angry of Peter instead, everything is just a matter of misunderstanding that can be relieve by time. For the whole situation, she felt sorry for herself and for her family but as she undergone a therapy session, she is now ready to face everything ahead of it.

Furthermore, she breaks down, cried, and keep up with what she need to do but she noted that her old feelings cannot be replace by someone else. Probably, because Peter is the father of her children and at the age of 40, she knows too much about the needs of her family. The last evening episode of Jennie Garth: A Little Bit Country brought us a very remarkable story coming from her life and her recent interview is an inspiration to other moms who suffered from the same bad experiences, right?

For the first time, Jennie shows her brave and courageous appearances on TV which can open up the story of other women as we celebrate the upcoming Mother's Day this Sunday, May 13, 2012.

Mick Jagger is Coming to Saturday Night Live!

The legendary frontman of Rolling Stones is headed to Saturday Night Live as the season finale host this May 19, 2012. And before we can forget, the band is about to celebrate their 50th year anniversary as a solid iconic group in industry. They will be guesting the show for a remarkable ending filled with a lot of hilarious performances and scenes from other stars.

Mick Jagger Photo

Mick is up as a host and let us join him as he start the show with another twist on his career. Not just a guitar man but a man filled with enthusiasm to bring out the best of the SNL. The comedy series is about to end for this season but you can expect the upcoming gig that awaits you next to appearances of the famous band not only in United States but also to the farthest side of the world.

According to report, Mick recruited the Arcade Fire as well the Foo Fighters to join him in SNL. The show will also includes these rock bands as a part of their memorable farewell in television. The English musician and founder of the Rolling Stones debuted in some television and movie projects before. No doubt that he can really manage to keep up the vibes we expect from his upcoming gig, right?

Furthermore, you can visit the official website of Mick in or on his unofficial fan page in Facebook and MySpace to know more about his upcoming appearances. You can catch him in a series of event around the country and be a part of his enormous success as he continue his journey.

Fabian Zanzi is Accusing John Travolta of Harassment

Fabian is one of Royal Caribbean cruise employees who recently came out to accused John of harassment. According to him, the incident that happens between him and the other man took place way back in 2009 but there is no other details that can put the actor in another hot seat. He lost his son during that year and his wife Kelly Preston got a place in Jack Abramoff film. His son Jett died in the new year's eve and followed by their family announcement for a new baby boy in 2010.

John Travolta in Royal Caribbean Photo

The man maybe facing a series of problem coming from those women who are now looking forward on his fortune. He might have a lot of kids not from his official wife but from other girls far from what we know, right? Furthermore, he's been with a lot of trouble before but his recent case against Fabian, a Chilean man can probably drive the others to came out for their sentiments.

This employee recently claimed the issue in a local television channel in Chile which are now reaching to the far side of the world. The fans and followers of the famous actor are now probably talking about him and their admiration as well curiosity about of what happened can bring an odd credit to John. The Facebook page of Fabian shows a hard-party goer man who is really far from what we thought for the first place.

That might be a hoax story and just waiting to capture the attention of the media. Lots of rumors keeps on coming in and out of the line and some of these are pretty confusing. They would like to destroy the reputation of the famous personality not just in Hollywood but also to batter the situation.

Hollie Cavanagh Performing Her Final Song in American Idol

The last Thursday, May 10, 2012 episode of American Idol ends the journey of Hollie on stage as the top four contender. Prior to that evening, she performed "I Can't Make You Love Me" which failed to pleased the national viewers to save her for another level. Because of some unwanted happenings behind the camera, her emotions probably affect her last song. However, she was given a chance to sing her goodbye song, the "Faithfully" coming from the famous hits of Journey.

Hollie Cavanagh Performing Her Final Song Photo

Jessica Sanchez, Phillip Phillips, and Joshua Ledet is about to give their best performances in the upcoming next episodes of the show. We are about to witness the stunning voice of the top contenders as they face the judges and the tastes of voters around the country. And few days from now, the season finale of American Idol Season 11 is about to reveal the next star who will follow the footsteps of Carrie Underwood, Jordin Sparks, and Scotty McCreery.

Hollie Cavanagh Photo

Let us join Jennifer Lopez, Randy Jackson, and Steven Tyler as they continue their search for this year's idol. The mentors are now probably working so hard just to squeeze the remaining power of the three top performers. They are joining their hands together for another historical wins that captured the attention of the national viewers.

Before of anything else, here's a video of Hollie as she perform her final song:

Other important announcements for voters are now available on Fox's official website as well photo galleries and videos taken from the latest episode of the show.

William Balfour Verdict, Murderer of Jennifer Hudson's Family

The brother-in-law of Jennifer is now facing a lifetime imprisonment as the official judgement of the jury in Chicago after killing the family of the award winning actress. That happens way back in October of 2008 when William killed her mother and brother as well her 7-year-old nephew. And the verdict given last Friday, May 11, 2012 turns to a very emotional celebration for the Hudson surviving family members.

William Balfour Mugshot

Jennifer and her sister becomes the strongest witness who stands among the other over the case of the man responsible to the death of their loved ones. He was a former husband of Jennifer's sister, an ex-gang member and has been accused of multiple murders. In addition to this, he threatened the entire family as his wife rejected him.

There is no living eye-witnesses during that night when William started his killing spree at the house of Jennifer living a deadly gunshot wounds to Jason, her brother and her mother Darnell Donerson. While in the pasts trials, the supporters of the suspect also gave their testimony and others continue to voice out an unfair proceedings without knowing the root of incidence.

However, the man shows no emotion after the verdict and probably willing to spent his time in prison to reflect in his crime. A total of 83 different witnesses has been called and the eleven days of testimony finally gave the right justice to the family of Jennifer. The man was allegedly took his revenge when his ex-wife turned her back on him.

Jennifer Hudson and Her Mother Photo

During the closing arguments in court, the bloody shirt of Hudson's family member was presented in front of the jury. Furthermore, the people behind the sentence are now hoping the closure of the remarkable case which leaved a mark in the hearts and minds in the people involved.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Interview of Eva Longoria in The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet

The Desperate Housewives star gave her statement about the turmoil on her relationship with Tony in Lifetime's The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet last Thursday, May 10, 2012 episode of the show. According to her, she discovered that her husband was cheating on her as she find out that the man is exchanging a lot of test messages to another unknown woman. And she admitted that she start to ask herself about of what is going on.

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker Photo

Her feelings is pretty vulnerable during that time and she cannot assume that everything is working fine between her and Tony. However, that other woman is probably Erin Barry, the ex-wife of an NBA star but recently denied the affair. She doesn't give any names in her interview and she just confirmed that the man is really cheating on her.

The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet Poster

People are now probably talking about her appearances in the decent show that opened her former relationship with Tony. She also noted that he has no reason to cheat on her because of her looks as well of everything she has in life. And the big question she continue to keep on her mind is, "why?" And she said that she will not judge the man in an instance but she will go on with her way of treating him as a good wife.

We don't know of what happened within Tony and Eva for now. Her recent television interview open up our curiosity and we loved to track the other important details we shouldn't missed at these moment. However, she joked in front of the audience telling everyone that life is quite different if she don't marry a basketball player at all.

And for now, we are just wanted to know the other angle of her relationship with Tony.

Pam Shaw is Now Ready to Marry a Lucky Man!

Pam recently gave her statement about her plan of getting married to anyone who is willing to spent his time with her. She is known because of her attempt to maintain her virginity even at the age of 70 and she is lowering her standard for probably, a lucky man. As she goes on her career as a dancer in a red light district, she doesn't lose her hope to find a husband that will respect her whole being, a suitable person that can bring her a good life far from where she works.

Pam Shaw Photo

Furthermore, she is now having a great time alone but continue to capture the eyes of any possible suitor around. According to her, she don't want to ruin her virginity before her marriage and just give it to any stranger who are not capable of doing his responsibility as her man for a lifetime. And she continue to find a the "Mr. Right" who can put a ring in her finger.

Way back in mid-70's, Pam was engaged to someone else in Blackpool but end up with a broken relationship. That was an oil rig worker who made a proposal on her. She told the entire story during her television interview but earned a lot of criticisms and open the curiosity of other people in the country.

She can might find someone who will love and accept her till the end of her life.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Photo of Hillary Clinton Wearing an Eyeglass With No Make-up

The state visit of Secretary Hillary in Bangladesh earned a lot of criticisms from the local media of Dhaka as well in international community who are currently following her every trips. Along with Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of the above mentioned country, their photos captured the attention of everyone. She is wearing an eyeglass, with hair down, and showing her truly natural complexion.

Photo of Hillary Clinton Wearing an Eyeglass

She made a series of headlines since she start her tour in Asia. She probably do this for a change or to get the attention of the other leaders of the world. Her photo shows a humble way of life and her new appearance shows her humble but successful intentions. And she is not afraid to bare her face without a special enhancement from a costly make-up.

The above photo of the secretary is now over the line and everyone is invited to keep up with her new style as she continue her trips. You can visit the official website of the U.S. government to counter-check her appointments and to catch her look from photo galleries taken from her visit.

You can also catch her new photos and videos in YouTube as well in other government multimedia portals and television soon.

Stacy Robinson Passed Away Because of Cancer

Stacy is one of New York Giants' legendary wide receiver and his outstanding record in NFL shows a great thing for his fans to remember his games. He played a total of six-seasons on his former team and drafted way back in 1985. And he died from the complications of his long-time battle with cancer at the age of 50. According to those folks who knows too much about him, the respect of his teammates remains until the day of his death as well of those folks who loved him in the industry.

Stacy Robinson Photo

He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota and diagnosed with cancer three-years ago. He entered a hospice last May 3, 2012 and continue his battle but his deteriorating body condition ends his fight. And before we can forget, this man was known of his amazing speed as the receiver of N.Y. Giants, a 5-footer man who also won the prestigious Super Bowl medals.

Furthermore, Stacey captured the heart of the national viewers during his time in NFL. He is one of the biggest earner in American football and other teams keep up their eyes on him as he continue to reach the topmost level of the said sport. And his skills and ability is now written in the book of the game historians. He also inspired the young people who would like to follow his footsteps.

This guy is one of the finest player way back in early 80's making a total of thirteen touchdowns until the end of his career. While outside of any team, he continue his support in the famous sport in United States. The Dakota State Alumni Association was his last destination and ended as one of their Board of Directors. Memorial service for Stacey will be announce soon, so keep up with other related updates straight from NFL and those folks around him.