Friday, December 30, 2011

Catch the New Catwoman in Dark Knight Rises

Few months ago, Anne Hathaway announced her special participation as a supporting actress in the upcoming and probably, most awaited "Dark Knight Rises" which immediately capture our attention. And of course, her fans and followers starts to talk about her outfit as the new face of Catwoman along with the famous superhero in Gotham City, the fictional place of Batman. Christian Bale was still the man who will play the role of Bruce Wayne, the man behind the black mask who is about to give a non-stop and mind-bending plot to bring a new life in the story.

New Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises

According to our source, Anne recently gave her wonderful experiences behind the camera as the new Catwoman. She is quite good for her look, a woman in a shiny and black dress creeping the street of Gotham City and upon watching the trailer of the upcoming film, we can say that the inspiration of Hedy Lamarr, the pioneering star who able to join Bob Kane's creation. Other than her, Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry is a former prospect to inline with the other iconic woman behind the physically fit sporty costume. The classic-themed movie continue to tease anyone through its promotional posters and YouTube sneak peeks.

Michelle Pfeiffer

Halle Berry

Anne Hathaway Photo in Dark Knight Rises

Going back to Anne, she also revealed her looks upon guesting from one of United States television interview. Her comic-inspired appearances as one of underground villain that will join Batman and the rest of their colleagues will probably give us a wave of excitement, right? People are now talking about it in Facebook, Twitter, as well in other social networking sites and you can join them as they criticize the other aspect of the film.

Reviews and movie enthusiasts commentaries is another way for us to know more aside from the photo galleries and clips of Dark Knight Rises and you can try to look around for additional report. Furthermore, the film was scheduled to land in big screens (available in iMax 3D theaters) this summer of 2012.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Theatrical Trailer

Get ready for David Fincher's version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" from the best selling novel of Stieg Larsson that really captured the hearts of fans and followers of Rooney Mara. She might be good for this role and of course, movie critics cannot deny her spectacular appearances in theater. The breathtaking scenes is quite difficult to explain but reviews and ratings says something more when it landed in United States big screens.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Rooney Mara

The summary of the story tells about the pasts lives of those people who would like to hide the secret of their family and the dark side that reopen the case of Harriet Vanger. However, their clan isn't new to the other people around them because their powerful standing in the eyes their neighbor reminds them to pursue their revengeful plans.

In addition to this, the body of Harriet becomes a questionable thing to find were they need to hire a group of specialist to dig more deeper aside from the few evidence taken by the authority. For more, here's the theatrical trailer that will probably tease you to keep up your time this holiday season with your own family and friends to experience the heart-touching story of the woman with a questionable mark:

Guess what, a member of their family with an interest to her fake death includes Mikael Blomkvist, one of their neighborhood financial analyst who explore the entire case along with Lisbeth Salander. In behalf, they need to protect themselves from the dangerous settings that awaits them far from what they know.

Both Lisbeth, a computer wizard and Mikael need to open their minds to the other possible angle of the case of Harriet. They put their hands together just to help the Vanger but in exchange, they need to counter-check the background of their client. The 40-year old murder case leads the investigator to become more good in their fields and because probably of the challenges that lies behind their way.

This December of 2011, be a part of another milestone for David along with the other stars behind the successful premiere of the movie. And catch Rooney as she change her look to a more ruthless and dangerous appearances. Furthermore, photo galleries and sneak peeks taken from the selected part are now available in the official website of the film.

After Christmas Sale 2011, Rounded Up!

This holiday season, don't forget to experienced the coolest dropping of prices from the prestigious shopping malls around the country. After Christmas sale starts to kickoff few days ago as noted by news and updates from most of business giving tips around the world. And according to our source, this might be the right time for you to pack your things and visit the nearest outlets of your favorite electronic gadgets cause people are now hovering around to grab the best tags they can get for their budget.

After Christmas Sale 2011

But before we can forget, Life Streams is looking forward for a great Christmas Season ahead of you and we would like to filled your day with this few tips. Hope this can guide you to the rest of your shopping spree!

Start your day in Macy and Wal-Mart as they are both giving a chance for anyone to explore their shelves with a very affordable prices. The two giant department store in United States competes for the taste of their shoppers but somehow, other participating malls teases everyone through their online outlets. And today, December 25, 2011, this might be the busiest day ever of this year for all of them, right?

Coupon codes and smartest guides are now available for anyone who would like to be a part of this event before the year ends. However, be more vigilant at these moment cause we cannot deny that defects and other unwanted features of any items got a little percentage to consider. Discounts is not enough if you cannot spent your money wisely! Stores schedule is also important to note before going out as well weather condition reports from the morning television newscasts.

Furthermore, New Year's Sale is up if you missed to catch this opportunity. Have a great day this Christmas and have a prosperous year ahead of you.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Michelle Pfeiffer is Up in New Year's Eve

Let the countdown to a magical night and hard party in Time Square begins with Michelle Pfeiffer and the complete casts of "New Year's Eve!" She is now headed to a big magical night that awaits you in another film along with Zac Efron, Alyssa Milano, Ashton Kutcher, Sarah Jessica Parker, and the legendary Robert DeNiro and Halle Berry added with Cary Elwes. These names are quite familiar for anyone following their appearances on TV but of course, be a part of another milestone of their career as they give us a great chance to be with them on this movie.

Michelle Pfeiffer is Up in New Year's Eve

Trailer and teaser of New Year's Eve is now available in YouTube in high-definition (HD) format and guess what, you can visit the unofficial fan page of the movie in Facebook to join the conversation of fans and followers that awaits you. According to our source, the interesting story and hilarious scenes of the film will probably take you to yearly celebration in New York City filled with romantic situation from the couples.

The special participation of Michelle remind us of her appearances in 1980's "The Hollywood Knights" as well in "Scarface." She's a Golden Globe Nominee and received a numerous lifetime awards from different theater projects.

However, reviews and commentaries from prestigious movie critics gave us the reason to keep up with Michelle, the only woman that really drive us to keep up our time with her fellow stars. But before of anything else, tickets are now available in the nearby outlets in your area and grab a chance to bring your family and friends this weekend for the big screen premiere.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jon Jones Defended His UFC Light Heavyweight Belt!

Jon "Bones" Jones defeated Lyoto "Shogun" Machida and successfully defended his Light Heavyweight belt in UFC 140 this Saturday, December 10, 2011 at Air Canada Center. He chocked his opponent at the second round of the fight as noted by the latest updates about the historical match that really captured our attention. The highlights of the game is now available in YouTube and you can try to look around to know more about of what happened when he overthrow Machida in just a matter of few seconds before the bell.

Jon Jones Defended His UFC Light Heavyweight Belt

Jones might be a good fighter, a finest man who can stand along with the other warriors who able to reached their goal as they came up in the octagon. However, people are now talking about his skills in Facebook as well in Twitter but of course, we cannot deny that the follower of Lyoto are getting their favor to another fighter who's been recently crowned.

According to Jon's interview, his fight gathered the eyes of everyone not just from the live audience but also from the followers of UFC around the globe. For more, here's a few details we tried to catch from him after the fight:
"I do believe that I can be one of the best on the planet," he said. "I think it’s my destiny one day to be one of the best who ever lived."
Furthermore, Jon is now having a 4-0 standing and probably ready for another upcoming match as other professional fighters are all keeping an eye on his current position. UFC 140 marks a new beginning on his career and that is to defend the crown from the fast-climbing players.

In addition to this, the referee able to stop the fight when Lyoto stumbled from the finishing punches of Jon. The submission of the game starts to lift the crowd and followed by the announcement of the official winner. Somehow, few folks booed the man but Dana White, the UFC president defended him because probably we really need to respect the decision that shook the heads of others, right?

Join us once again as we continue to follow the appearances of Jon Jones and the other UFC fighters after of this break. And before we can forget, replay is up in YouTube for those who wanted to catch the exciting latest fight of UFC.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Michelle Trachtenberg of Gossip Girl and The Twilight Issue

Probably, Bella Swan of The Twilight Saga is not different from those other movie young stars, right? It is because recently, Michelle Trachtenberg of Gossip Girl announced that she is one of the blockbuster film's prospect to play the role of the woman who recently suffered from a tremendous situation of the vampires and werewolves. However, a complete evidence is missing to probe that she might be the successful actress who can play the character of missis Cullen but according to her interview, she was totally qualified for that position too.

Michelle Trachtenberg of Gossip Girl and The Twilight Issue

According to our source, Michelle isn't new for it because she was an original star of Buffy before. Reports also noted that it is possible for her to look like Bella (Kristen Stewart) to make a tandem with Edward (Robert Pattinson). For now, nobody can tell about the other related issue coupled to this revelation in front and back of a camera. Catherine Hardwicke, the director of The Twilight might knows too much about it and we are still waiting for any comments from the well-known personality of the film.

Aside from Stephanie Moyer, the original writer of the book where the story of Bella and Edward has been brought out to life by the film, crews and staff of the movie might have a certain goal why they choose Kristen rather than Michelle. Furthermore, she play the role of Michelle's younger sister way back in her time on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which is quite difficult to compare to the story of Twilight.

For more, join us once again as we continue to follow the appearances of Michelle for another set of interview from other television sitcom just to resolve this issue that really captured our attention recently.