Friday, December 30, 2011

Catch the New Catwoman in Dark Knight Rises

Few months ago, Anne Hathaway announced her special participation as a supporting actress in the upcoming and probably, most awaited "Dark Knight Rises" which immediately capture our attention. And of course, her fans and followers starts to talk about her outfit as the new face of Catwoman along with the famous superhero in Gotham City, the fictional place of Batman. Christian Bale was still the man who will play the role of Bruce Wayne, the man behind the black mask who is about to give a non-stop and mind-bending plot to bring a new life in the story.

New Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises

According to our source, Anne recently gave her wonderful experiences behind the camera as the new Catwoman. She is quite good for her look, a woman in a shiny and black dress creeping the street of Gotham City and upon watching the trailer of the upcoming film, we can say that the inspiration of Hedy Lamarr, the pioneering star who able to join Bob Kane's creation. Other than her, Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry is a former prospect to inline with the other iconic woman behind the physically fit sporty costume. The classic-themed movie continue to tease anyone through its promotional posters and YouTube sneak peeks.

Michelle Pfeiffer

Halle Berry

Anne Hathaway Photo in Dark Knight Rises

Going back to Anne, she also revealed her looks upon guesting from one of United States television interview. Her comic-inspired appearances as one of underground villain that will join Batman and the rest of their colleagues will probably give us a wave of excitement, right? People are now talking about it in Facebook, Twitter, as well in other social networking sites and you can join them as they criticize the other aspect of the film.

Reviews and movie enthusiasts commentaries is another way for us to know more aside from the photo galleries and clips of Dark Knight Rises and you can try to look around for additional report. Furthermore, the film was scheduled to land in big screens (available in iMax 3D theaters) this summer of 2012.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Theatrical Trailer

Get ready for David Fincher's version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" from the best selling novel of Stieg Larsson that really captured the hearts of fans and followers of Rooney Mara. She might be good for this role and of course, movie critics cannot deny her spectacular appearances in theater. The breathtaking scenes is quite difficult to explain but reviews and ratings says something more when it landed in United States big screens.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Rooney Mara

The summary of the story tells about the pasts lives of those people who would like to hide the secret of their family and the dark side that reopen the case of Harriet Vanger. However, their clan isn't new to the other people around them because their powerful standing in the eyes their neighbor reminds them to pursue their revengeful plans.

In addition to this, the body of Harriet becomes a questionable thing to find were they need to hire a group of specialist to dig more deeper aside from the few evidence taken by the authority. For more, here's the theatrical trailer that will probably tease you to keep up your time this holiday season with your own family and friends to experience the heart-touching story of the woman with a questionable mark:

Guess what, a member of their family with an interest to her fake death includes Mikael Blomkvist, one of their neighborhood financial analyst who explore the entire case along with Lisbeth Salander. In behalf, they need to protect themselves from the dangerous settings that awaits them far from what they know.

Both Lisbeth, a computer wizard and Mikael need to open their minds to the other possible angle of the case of Harriet. They put their hands together just to help the Vanger but in exchange, they need to counter-check the background of their client. The 40-year old murder case leads the investigator to become more good in their fields and because probably of the challenges that lies behind their way.

This December of 2011, be a part of another milestone for David along with the other stars behind the successful premiere of the movie. And catch Rooney as she change her look to a more ruthless and dangerous appearances. Furthermore, photo galleries and sneak peeks taken from the selected part are now available in the official website of the film.

After Christmas Sale 2011, Rounded Up!

This holiday season, don't forget to experienced the coolest dropping of prices from the prestigious shopping malls around the country. After Christmas sale starts to kickoff few days ago as noted by news and updates from most of business giving tips around the world. And according to our source, this might be the right time for you to pack your things and visit the nearest outlets of your favorite electronic gadgets cause people are now hovering around to grab the best tags they can get for their budget.

After Christmas Sale 2011

But before we can forget, Life Streams is looking forward for a great Christmas Season ahead of you and we would like to filled your day with this few tips. Hope this can guide you to the rest of your shopping spree!

Start your day in Macy and Wal-Mart as they are both giving a chance for anyone to explore their shelves with a very affordable prices. The two giant department store in United States competes for the taste of their shoppers but somehow, other participating malls teases everyone through their online outlets. And today, December 25, 2011, this might be the busiest day ever of this year for all of them, right?

Coupon codes and smartest guides are now available for anyone who would like to be a part of this event before the year ends. However, be more vigilant at these moment cause we cannot deny that defects and other unwanted features of any items got a little percentage to consider. Discounts is not enough if you cannot spent your money wisely! Stores schedule is also important to note before going out as well weather condition reports from the morning television newscasts.

Furthermore, New Year's Sale is up if you missed to catch this opportunity. Have a great day this Christmas and have a prosperous year ahead of you.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Michelle Pfeiffer is Up in New Year's Eve

Let the countdown to a magical night and hard party in Time Square begins with Michelle Pfeiffer and the complete casts of "New Year's Eve!" She is now headed to a big magical night that awaits you in another film along with Zac Efron, Alyssa Milano, Ashton Kutcher, Sarah Jessica Parker, and the legendary Robert DeNiro and Halle Berry added with Cary Elwes. These names are quite familiar for anyone following their appearances on TV but of course, be a part of another milestone of their career as they give us a great chance to be with them on this movie.

Michelle Pfeiffer is Up in New Year's Eve

Trailer and teaser of New Year's Eve is now available in YouTube in high-definition (HD) format and guess what, you can visit the unofficial fan page of the movie in Facebook to join the conversation of fans and followers that awaits you. According to our source, the interesting story and hilarious scenes of the film will probably take you to yearly celebration in New York City filled with romantic situation from the couples.

The special participation of Michelle remind us of her appearances in 1980's "The Hollywood Knights" as well in "Scarface." She's a Golden Globe Nominee and received a numerous lifetime awards from different theater projects.

However, reviews and commentaries from prestigious movie critics gave us the reason to keep up with Michelle, the only woman that really drive us to keep up our time with her fellow stars. But before of anything else, tickets are now available in the nearby outlets in your area and grab a chance to bring your family and friends this weekend for the big screen premiere.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jon Jones Defended His UFC Light Heavyweight Belt!

Jon "Bones" Jones defeated Lyoto "Shogun" Machida and successfully defended his Light Heavyweight belt in UFC 140 this Saturday, December 10, 2011 at Air Canada Center. He chocked his opponent at the second round of the fight as noted by the latest updates about the historical match that really captured our attention. The highlights of the game is now available in YouTube and you can try to look around to know more about of what happened when he overthrow Machida in just a matter of few seconds before the bell.

Jon Jones Defended His UFC Light Heavyweight Belt

Jones might be a good fighter, a finest man who can stand along with the other warriors who able to reached their goal as they came up in the octagon. However, people are now talking about his skills in Facebook as well in Twitter but of course, we cannot deny that the follower of Lyoto are getting their favor to another fighter who's been recently crowned.

According to Jon's interview, his fight gathered the eyes of everyone not just from the live audience but also from the followers of UFC around the globe. For more, here's a few details we tried to catch from him after the fight:
"I do believe that I can be one of the best on the planet," he said. "I think it’s my destiny one day to be one of the best who ever lived."
Furthermore, Jon is now having a 4-0 standing and probably ready for another upcoming match as other professional fighters are all keeping an eye on his current position. UFC 140 marks a new beginning on his career and that is to defend the crown from the fast-climbing players.

In addition to this, the referee able to stop the fight when Lyoto stumbled from the finishing punches of Jon. The submission of the game starts to lift the crowd and followed by the announcement of the official winner. Somehow, few folks booed the man but Dana White, the UFC president defended him because probably we really need to respect the decision that shook the heads of others, right?

Join us once again as we continue to follow the appearances of Jon Jones and the other UFC fighters after of this break. And before we can forget, replay is up in YouTube for those who wanted to catch the exciting latest fight of UFC.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Michelle Trachtenberg of Gossip Girl and The Twilight Issue

Probably, Bella Swan of The Twilight Saga is not different from those other movie young stars, right? It is because recently, Michelle Trachtenberg of Gossip Girl announced that she is one of the blockbuster film's prospect to play the role of the woman who recently suffered from a tremendous situation of the vampires and werewolves. However, a complete evidence is missing to probe that she might be the successful actress who can play the character of missis Cullen but according to her interview, she was totally qualified for that position too.

Michelle Trachtenberg of Gossip Girl and The Twilight Issue

According to our source, Michelle isn't new for it because she was an original star of Buffy before. Reports also noted that it is possible for her to look like Bella (Kristen Stewart) to make a tandem with Edward (Robert Pattinson). For now, nobody can tell about the other related issue coupled to this revelation in front and back of a camera. Catherine Hardwicke, the director of The Twilight might knows too much about it and we are still waiting for any comments from the well-known personality of the film.

Aside from Stephanie Moyer, the original writer of the book where the story of Bella and Edward has been brought out to life by the film, crews and staff of the movie might have a certain goal why they choose Kristen rather than Michelle. Furthermore, she play the role of Michelle's younger sister way back in her time on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which is quite difficult to compare to the story of Twilight.

For more, join us once again as we continue to follow the appearances of Michelle for another set of interview from other television sitcom just to resolve this issue that really captured our attention recently.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cyber Monday 2011 Computer and TV Deals

This Monday, November 28, 2011, get ready to join the crowd of shoppers for the most anticipated Cyber Monday sales as part of this year's holiday season highlights. Prices of computers and LCD HDTV's starts to drop as earlier of this month. And this might be the right time to look around for the best tags coupled with coupon codes and ads that can guide you in your shopping spree, right? News and updates straight from Macy's, Best Buy, Amazon, Sears, and dozens of other participating stores are now available in their very own respective official websites.

Cyber Monday 2011 Computer and TV Deals

Be the first to experience the most comprehensive way of shopping through tips and reliable reviews from technology enthusiasts blogs for any form of computers. Tags for netbooks, notebooks, laptops, and tower PC's are also available aside from these important details you shouldn't missed. Samsung, Sony, LG, Philips, and other television brands prices continue to drop since the first wave of Black Friday sales in the above mentioned stores. This might be a good indication that this phenomenal changes for your budget will continue before the end of the year.

Tablet PC's and PDA's are also available in a very affordable money labels. From Apple's blockbuster iPhone, iPad, as well its competing products from Samsung and other ultra-portable computer makers has been lowered to meet the demand of the people. Aside from United States, this can be felt by the other nation soon as noted by our sources. However, other electronic gadgets like digital cameras, music or multimedia players, and gaming consoles like Xbox 360 are also joining the trend.

Sharp, Vizio, Dynex, Zenith, Panasonic, Emerson, Toshiba, and Westinghouse television models are also available with prices ranging from $200.00 to $1,000.00 only. And tags varies base on different screen sizes. Guess what, Wal-Mart and Best Buy recently surprised everyone as they unveiled their huge and wider TV sets for about $800.00 and up. Marketing strategies of these stores has been monitored by the government due to a possible unexpected issues that may rise from thousands of customers all across the country.

Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Samsung, eMachine, and other well known computer brands are also aware of changes in prices because somehow, as we try to make our own couple of searches recently, since Thanksgiving Day 2011 last Thursday, dropping of prices are also giving us a great opportunity to own a piece of their computing machines.

And this might be the cheapest deal for HDTV but of course, ongoing sales will not actually ends by exact date of Cyber Monday 2011. You don't need to rush because stocks are not actually limited but of course, we must remain vigilant before going to the check out counters. We are all looking forward for your success in buying and have a great time!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Day Menus, Recipes, and Cooking Tips

If you are one who leads in your kitchen, get ready and be inspired by a lot of cooking tips as well menus and recipes that awaits your for the upcoming Thanksgiving Day of this year. Put your heart to what you are about to do by getting more good in your favorite house spot few days from now as the nation will celebrate the annual holiday season for a bountiful meals. Gather your family and friends to taste the goodness of your life through the best and coolest way to earned their attention and that is to cook with a great smile in your face!

Thanksgiving Day Menus, Recipes, and Cooking Tips

As we try to look around recently, we've been amazed by tens and even hundreds of teasing recipes that will probably fit for your budget. From television cooking sitcom to dozens of online videos in YouTube which can give you the right way to prepare your meals from your kitchen to the dinning table. This might be the right time for anyone to grab this clips aside from a printable formats because somehow, you are all eager to learn in a different and professional chef-alike way, right?

Healthy tips and guides are now available in Food Network channel as they are now giving their best recipes that can attract anyone upon knowing the good procedure in cooking. There are easy and complicated things to consider but according to most of food bloggers, everything is just a matter you need to know. Experienced chef and well known people gathered together to share their thoughts and insights for other possible outcome as they guide you in every simple step.

However, nutrition facts and healthy way of preparing your food this Thanksgiving Day is another piece of advice that can drive you to what you wants. Probably, for the first-timers, you need to be careful cause your shopping list will be affected by those spices without knowing the impact. Recipes for your turkey is quite good but why not to try a celebrity-like of cooking? This might change your perspective in every possible tastes and encourage you to learn more.

Humorous topics online is up related to cooking menus and recipes for beginners to professional levels aside from these few words of ours. And in addition to this report, you can visit a nice site for cooking like TV Grape Vine for their daily tips and learn how to prepare from your shopping lists to "how to's" side-dishes spectacular tastes that no one can resist. Inviting someone in front of a tasty surprising foods mixed with candle and wine is quite different than giving them a perfect gift.

But, the most important thing you shouldn't forget, share your ideas online. You can brought it in Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites aside from inviting your family and relatives to share your handful of bounty. Celebrate the Thanksgiving Day with a very memorable event in your life rather than having a sweetest gift for them. This might be the true spirit of this celebration that can give you a legacy that will leaved a big mark to anyone!

Get Ready for Coupon Codes and Ads this Cyber Monday 2011!

Earlier of this month, we've been amazed by a lot of coupon codes and ads hovering in most of online stores who are giving their best deals and sales online. We cannot deny this because Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 is now approaching and even start to kickoff few days ago. The first wave of shoppers starts to filled the line in Best Buys shopping malls and other stores who are now giving their free coupons for the earliest shoppers.

Coupon Codes and Ads this Cyber Monday 2011

However, people are now getting more good to know the right stuff to consider upon buying. It is because, tips and other eye-catching promotional fliers are just everywhere this holiday season. And of course, online writers are also on their way to share their insights as well commentaries from different products before it lands on consumer's hands, right? Get ready and be the first to catch the affordable prices that awaits you not just in Best Buy but try to look around in Wal-Mart, Amazon, eBay, and other participating online outlets.

Next week, the nation will celebrate the yearly Thanksgiving Day filled with smiles in front of their bountiful meals. Surprise your loved ones with a remarkable gifts which are now teasing everyone to have it straight from your fingertips. Lots of electronics, households, and sporting goods are now waiting for anyone who would like to experience the coolest holiday season sales and deals from the above mentioned stores.

Aside from these few words of ours, try to visit the official website of Cyber Monday of this year for the coolest tips and shopping guides that awaits you aside from having a printable coupon codes from your family and friends. Just like of Thanksgiving Day, menus and recipes for your turkey are no good if someone can fool you in the middle of the rush shopping hours. Spend your money on the right way or wisely rather than spoiling it for nothing!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Google Logo Honored Louis Daguerre's Birthday

You might ask why the logo of Google today turns to the one you can see in the following image below, right? It is because this Friday, November 18, 2011, the company honored the 224th birthday of Louis Daguerre. And what is the contribution of this man in our history? He is the inventor of daguerreotype photographic process which become a worldwide commercially and successful imaging technology during of his time.

Google Logo Honored Louis Daguerre's Birthday

It was a great invention that really captured the hearts of others photographers as well different artists in the media industry. Louis used a silvered copper plate which is called Sheffield from a heated foil which is also look like a mirror. According to our source, this material becomes a widely used camera paraphernalia from where the image captured was directly projected in the surface of this metal-like piece of shiny and thin object.

However, daguerreotype is a fragile process which can ruin your precious moments at that time because of its light sensitivity. That is why, most of the historical photographers need to follow a few important protocols in taking a picture. Chevalier is the first and pioneering lenses that take advantage of this technology which also added a few other chemical formula to enhance its capability.

Going back to the early life of Louis, he was born in France. He mastered his theatrical illusion which probably gave him the idea to bring out his own invention to that field. Aside from Daguerreotype, he also invented Diorama in Paris, a mobile theatrical device which can depict a certain historical background of a certain event.

These are just the important things about Louis Daguerre but of course, you can try to look around to know more aside from these few words of ours. Discover the other things about him and be inspired by his contribution to humanity.

Stop Internet Piracy Act (SOPA) vs. Protect IP Act

Every bills from the U.S. congress is possible to become a future law but in terms of fully dynamic and every changing needs of our Internet today, Stop Internet Piracy Act or SOPA recently earned the attention of the nation. According to our source, this bill is quite similar to Protect IP Act which already been forwarded to the senate house. And it was submitted by Rep. Lamar Smith, the ongoing House Judiciary Committee GOP chairman.

Stop Internet Piracy Act (SOPA) vs. Protect IP Act

However, we cannot totally compare this to the previous one which is also draw a lot of criticism not just from the online users and news reporters around the globe. People are now talking about it in most of social networking sites which can cover or can even benefit the rights from the federal part of the government. We cannot deny that this bill is quite difficult to formulate at these time especially when the hovering online shoppers are already up for the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales, right?

In addition to this report, this can bring a big twists in the Internet and that is to protect the most prestigious and million-dollar earning companies based in United States like Google, Facebook, eBay, Twitter, and AOL. Furthermore, these are just the few to mention online directories which is about to make an impact to most of the online users around the world. Rumors about the SOPA falls to some pitfalls like Internet censorship matters that really open our curiosity while writing this news upon hearing this from the line a couple of hours.

This issue might open the interest of websites developer and other stakeholders of the Internet not just the national viewers who are currently hanging on the line looking for the best sales and deals they can get for the upcoming holiday season. Furthermore, it's another usual concern of Internet advocacy group around the globe just to protect the privacy media related resources.

And sad to say, SOPA will target the internet service providers (ISP's) and they will be force to remove those unnecessary websites for the users not to violate the copyright laws and to stop distributing the protected materials on the line. Join us once again as we continue to cover the other related story about these two possible new and future law from the U.S. congress.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Twilight Saga "Forever is Only the Beginning"

This Friday, November 18, 2011, get ready to catch first part of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn with a theme, "Forever is Only the Beginning" in theater. And guess what, the recent poster of this movie captured the hearts and minds of the viewers showing Bella's (Kristen Stewart) and Edward's (Robert Pattinson) wedding ring. The two make a teasing and romantic pose that no one can resist to take a glimpse as noted by film reviewers. It was the second poster of this month that start to popped-out few days ago on the line.

Twilight Saga Forever is Only the Beginning Poster

According to our source, this poster show the romantic honeymoon of Bella and Edward which is also one of the most attractive scene you probably not to missed in the movie. People are now talking about them in Facebook, Twitter, as well in any other social networking sites, a provoking topic that can open your curiosity to the other exciting part of the film. However, we cannot deny that the previous film of The Twilight Saga gave us a great idea about of the next possible happenings in Breaking Dawn, right?

In addition to this report, Bella is about to bear her first kid from Edward. But, she need to make a series of sacrifices for herself and to her unborn child. Probably, it is because someone will come to harm them from the bloodlines of werewolves. The vampire is up to protect the new member of their family and Dr. Cullen along with his wife and other children will continue to fight back from the possible threat to Bella.

Furthermore, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn was rated PG 13 in United States and probably to other cinema around the world. The red carpet premiere kickoff recently at Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California. Dedicated fans and followers of the movie starts to scream for joy upon seeing their favorite stars on their beautiful1 night gowns.

Tickets and other important details are now available in most of the nearest theater in your area. The worldwide screening can probably bring a lot of people just to catch the first part of this movie. Trailer in high-definition (HD) format of the film are now available in YouTube as well in official fan page of Twilight in Facebook.

And before we can forget, Stephenie Meyer is getting more good to bring a realistic situation in every twists of the story for the casts and characters of Twilight. An incredible experience awaits you as noted by the lucky die-hard fans who able to take their first impressions upon watching the red carpet premiere. Aside from that, the tagline really leaved us a couple of question to follow just like of the usual stuff we tried to figure out from "Eclipse" and "New Moon."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thanksgiving Day 2011 - Thursday, November 24, 2011

Get ready to celebrate the upcoming Thanksgiving Day 2011 filled with a bountiful meals all day long with your family and friends in United States. And of course, it's time for you to mark your calendar for this national holiday that will commemorate the goodness of American-Indian Heritage which has been celebrated on every year. The celebration will kickoff by Thursday, November 24 of 2011 and of course, be the first to catch your favorite e-cards, glitter messages, and to prepare your own way of saying "Thank You!" for anyone around you.

Thanksgiving Day 2011

Share it straight from your heart in Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, or in any social networking sites just to reach your loved ones. However, we cannot compare the goodness of this celebration to Black Friday and Cyber Monday of this year but participating stores are giving us the opportunity to catch the best prices and tags for us to choose the right gift aside from a simple stuff, right?

And on this Thanksgiving Day 2011, you can catch the amusing festivities around your area and you can take a part of it by hanging around and join the nationwide celebration. It's the highlights you shouldn't missed aside from expressing your selves from a few tap of your computer keyboards. You can shop online for the best gift or take a look in the nearest malls to join the other people who are all busy on their own way.

Furthermore, this celebration will mark the opening of Christmas shopping season and probably the right time for you to choose the right gift from a simple household appliances, sporting goods, LCD HD televisions to electronic gadgets. Desktop, laptops, tablet PC's, as well any ultra portable computers are now on a very affordable prices which also jiving to what we're looking for this holiday season.

Before we can forget, join us as we continue to bring you the best tips and guides for your budgets towards your remarkable Thanksgiving Day 2011. Catch the four-day straight of shopping spree online or make your self comfortable through your fingertips. e-Bay, Amazon, Sears, Wal-mart, Toy 'R' Us, and more are now on their Black Friday and Cyber Monday pre-openings so be a part of it. And be thankful of your bounty and share it to anyone who need it! Have a great time!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Manny Pacquiao vs Juan Manuel Marquez - November 12, 2011

Yeah! This Saturday, November 12, 2011, be a part of another most awaited boxing fight that will rock your world as Manny "Pac-man" Pacquiao is up for another fight with Juan Manuel "Dinamita" Marquez III. And guess what, for the third times, they are about to face for the glory of their names. Probably, not for a million dollars stake but to tell everyone who is the best fighter among them, right? And we cannot deny it because according to our source, the two are both ready to enter the ring of MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada for the finale of their fight trilogy.

Manny Pacquiao vs Juan Manuel Marquez

People are now talking for their bet not just in Facebook and Twitter but right now, in most of social networking sites rushing for the main event of the game. We are glad to inform you that Pacquiao, the legendary "Kamao" from the Philippines got a few advantage. However, Marquez is also a strong fighter filled with a lot of determination to take down the pride of the Filipino people.

Manny Pacquiao vs Juan Manuel Marquez Photo 1

Manny Pacquiao vs Juan Manuel Marquez Photo 2

Manny Pacquiao vs Juan Manuel Marquez Photo 3

Regardless of their World Boxing Organization (WBO) records, both of them showed a different level but of course, the hard training and supports from their fans and followers all over the universe are now taking a deep breath to witness their match. Furthermore, it's another world title fight for WBO Welterweight level. And to make it clear, it is for a Boxing Welterweight Championship, the most prestigious award which will be given to the deserving one.

The native of Malungon, Sarangani Province, Manny Pacquiao is a "Southpaw" and currently holding the belt of WBO Welterweight Division and Juan Manual Marquez is an "Orthodox" fighter who is also a WBO Lightweight title holder from Mexico City, and the challenger of this game.

And before we can forget, changes in fight time schedule will vary or change without a prior notice as noted by the official website of the WBO. It is because probably, the undercard event will also cover the match of the following fight:
  • Timothy Bradley vs. Joel Casamayor for Light Welterweight Championship
  • Mike Alvarado vs. Breidis Prescott for Light Welterweight Title
  • Luis Cruz vs. Juan Carlos Burgos for Super Featherweight
These are the other anticipated boxing fight aside from the main event this Saturday evening. Pay-Per-View (PPV) is also available on HBO straight from the United States of America (U.S.A.), the official venue of the boxing rematch. You can visit the official website of WBO for availability of live streaming format as well other announcements. Take a look around for additional details, weigh-in reports, and other possible TV channels for the live coverage of this game.

And you can join us as we continue to cover the other related stories, replay announcements, and chronicles of this fight after of this break.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Black Friday Sales 2011 Coupons and Best Deals, Rounded Up!

Nowadays, people might choose the right thing to buy specially this coming Black Friday Sales 2011, right? We cannot deny it because somehow, there are hundreds and even thousands of promising prices awaits us on the line but in return, we cannot find the most it as we received our goods. However, there are several tips which can guide you in any form of shopping spree 'till the Cyber Monday of this year.

You can start to visit the official website of Amazon, eBay, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and other top competing stores online for a chance to get the most of your money. Coupons and best deals start to round since the first few days of November and people start to roam through their fingertips just to check the quality and other important details they shouldn't missed before the rush hours.

But before of anything else, don't forget the exact date of this year Black Friday Sale. According to our source, the official date falls on November 25, 2011 and that might be the most awaited day of anyone who are now looking for the best deals they can get as they rush to visit the above mentioned stores.

There are several source of news and updates which can give you a chance to enjoy the dropping of prices of any products and goods. Be vigilant to choose the good stuff, thoroughly examine through the few important coupled details, and know what you need to do before going out to pick. Reviews and promising words from other customers cannot fulfill your needs instead, catch everything when you got it on hands.

However, aside from these few words of ours, we are all looking forward for your smart way of shopping this Black Friday Sales 2011.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Exotic Animal Owner, Sam Mazzola was Found Dead

We heard his name few months ago when his bear tragically attacked a woman that cause her immediate death. And now, the exotic animal owner, Sam Mazzola was found dead on his house somewhere in Columbia Station this morning. According to our source, he chocked an object which cause him to shorten and obstructed his breath. Police says that they need to look for the other angle of his death and they continue to search for any possible evidence they can get from his place.

Exotic Animal Owner, Sam Mazzola was Found Dead

Sam was found lying on his water bed with chains and other materials he used for his sensual play but accidentally chocked an object found in his neck. And in addition to report, The Morning Journal noted that his death was cause by asphyxia, due to a foreign body that entered his mouth and cause the man to stop breathing.

His teenage assistant found his body just this morning and investigation was still ongoing for the other possible means related to this incident. And according to the previous report, Sam is the owner of a black bear that mauled a 24-year old Brent Kandra of Elyria which also leads the management to euthanized the animal.

Lindsay Lohan will Headed Back to Jail?

The controversy behind the personality of Lindsay Lohan continue! And guess what, according to the latest news and updates about her, she is now scheduled to return in jail when the court decided to revoke her probation. As we can remember, she managed to get out of a possible imprisonment as she bailed for about $100-thousand. And she need to get involve in a 360-hours of community service.

Lindsay Lohan will Headed Back to Jail

And now, Lindsay returned to the spotlight, not in big screen or television project, instead, her DUI case seems getting more strong and those other messes she used to do after her released in rehabilitation center earlier. She's been in front of the same judge who handle her case who recently gave her statement about the possible outcome of her behavior while in probation stage.

According to our source, judge Stephanie Sautner said,
"If jail meant something in the state of California now, maybe I’d put her in jail."
That few lines came out from news and updates about the case of Lindsay and now, the judge is getting more serious and probably, she finally decided to fear the woman before its too late. In addition to this, people are now probably talking about the starlet and giving their commentaries about her current status.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Reiko Aylesworth is Back in Hawaii Five-0 Season 2

Guess what, if you're one of Hawaii Five-0's fan or follower, you are probably aware of Reiko Aylesworth a.k.a. Malia in the life of Det. Lt. Chin (played byDaniel Dae Kim), right? It is because, Malia was an ex-fiancee of the man who played a recurring role way back in season one. And now, you can catch her once again along with her old flame this Monday, October 17, 2011 in "Ma'ema'e" as noted by the summary of the story.

Reiko Aylesworth is Back in Hawaii Five-0 Season 2

According to our source, Malia is about to spend her time with Chin and they are about to bring a new spark from their pasts relationship. Since then, both of them got their own ups and downs living far from each other but now, in the fifth episode of Hawaii Five-0 Season 2, you are about to discover their line crossing again.

Reiko is still a recurring star to join the team of Five-0 unit but of course, she might carried you away upon knowing her special participation as another beautiful guest of the police procedural-drama of CBS.

Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow the appearances of Reiko not just in Hawaii Five-0 but also from her other television projects.

2011 Scream Awards Complete Lists of Winners

Before of Spike TV's airtime schedule of 2011 Scream Awards, the following earned the spotlight of another prestigious award giving body in United States big screen and television industry. But before of anything else, the Real Steel and Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman, the Black Swan star, Natalie Portman, and of course, our all time favorite's Harry Potter main casts brought home the shiniest stuff from the event.

2011 Scream Awards Complete Lists of Winners

Here's the complete list of 2011 Scream Award Winners as noted by Inquistr:
  • The Ultimate Scream - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)
  • Best Science Fiction Movie - Super 8
  • Best Fantasy Movie - X-Men: First Class
  • Best Horror Movie - Let Me In
  • Best Thriller - Limitless
  • Best TV Show - Game of Thrones
  • Best Director - Darren Aronofsky from Black Swan
  • Best Scream-Play - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)
  • Best Chase Scene - Chase Through London from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
  • Best Fantasy Actress - Natalie Portman, Black Swan
  • Best Fantasy Actor - Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)
  • Best Science Fiction Actress - Milla Jovovich from Resident Evil: Afterlife
  • Best Science Fiction Actor - Matt Smith, Doctor Who
  • Best Horror Actress - Chloe Grace Moretz of Let Me In
  • Best Horror Actor - Alexander Skarsgard of True Blood
  • Best Villain - Ralph Fiennes a.k.a. Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)
  • Best Superhero - Chris Evans in Captain America: The First Avenger
  • Best Supporting Actress - Mila Kunis from Black Swan
  • Best Supporting Actor - Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
  • Breakout Performance (Female Category) - Emilia Clarke in Game of Thrones
  • Breakout Performance (Male Category) - Joe Manganiello from True Blood
  • Best Cameo - Hugh Jackman as Wolverine of X-Men: First Class
  • Best Ensemble - True Blood
  • Most Memorable Mutilation - Scalped Alive by Motorboat in Piranha 3D
  • Fight Scene of the Year - Final Battle: Scott Pilgrim and Knives vs Gideon Graves
  • Best Independent Movie - Monsters
  • Best 3-D Movie - Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Best F/X - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)
  • Best Comic Book or Graphic Novel - The Walking Dead
  • Best Comic Book Writer - Ed Brubaker for Captain America, The Marvels Project, and Steve Rogers for Super Soldier
  • Best Comic Book Artist - John Romita, Jr. for Avengers
  • Best Comic Book Movie - Scott Pilgrim vs The World
These are the people who inspired us to keep up our time with their entertaining appearances on TV as well in theater. We know that they are both good in their own expertise as an actor and actress and this might be the right time for us to honor their success in the industry, right? Catch them this Tuesday, October 18, 2011 on Spike TV for the simultaneous broadcast of the awards night.

The All New Season of The Walking Dead is Up!

If you're one of The Walking Dead fan or follower, get ready to witness the continuation of the story that round in the first and foremost episode of AMC's zombie television drama-series. The second season kicked-off last Sunday, October 16, 2011 and guess what, the season premiere of the show is a teasing episode that will attract thousands or even million of viewers all across the country as noted by TV enthusiasts on the line.

The All New Season of The Walking Dead is Up

The season premiere was entitled, "What Lies Ahead." A challenging eye-opener of the all new chapter of the story that will take you once again to Atlanta. According to the summary and synopsis of last Sunday evening episode of the show, Rick leads the group of survivor to get out of the hunted place by zombies. While on their way, someone from their unknown enemy came up to stopped their plan and one of the survivor went missing from were they need to think of another plan to keep out that person from the possible danger.

And the threat continue to bring a twists in the story of The Walking Dead Season 2 just like of the happenings in the first season of the show. Rick (played by Andrew Lincoln) and his closest friends are now ready to bring a realistic plots and scenes from the story. Join them once again as they continue their struggle to find the safest place on Earth from the hands of the brain-eating zombies!

Before we can forget, The Walking Dead Season 2 took place every Sunday evenings at 9:00 P.M. (Eastern Time)/8:00 P.M. (Pacific Time) only at AMC. You can visit the official website of the show for photo galleries as well promotional video of other upcoming episodes before it lands on TV.

Dan Wheldon, Indianapolis 500 2011 Champion Passed Away

Last Sunday, October 16, 2011, the tragic incident that cut the life of Dan Wheldon, the former Indianapolis 500 2005 and 2011 champion remind us of his legacy in racing. According to our source, Dan tried to made a turn in the final lap of the race but things goes rough unexpectedly. It is because somehow, the car leading his way wrecked and he immediately took advantage of his remaining time but the speed of his car cannot set a clear way for him.

Dan Wheldon, Indianapolis 500 2011 Champion Passed Away

However, Dan failed to bring home the other prestigious awards way back on May of 2011 but he earned the spotlight of the recent Indy 500. His two winning races has been recorded in the history, as a Panther Racing driver way back in 2010. And somehow, the recent race he aimed to win brought him to his final destination.

Wheldon grow up in southern part of England, somewhere in Emberton. And at the age of 21, he moved to United States and signed for Andretti Green Racing owned by Michael Andretti. The man behind of his success not just for his racing career and probably as well for his popularity.

He passed away at the age of 33, Dan will be remembered by the people who loved to follow his race. He inspired anyone in his field and the Las Vegas Motor Speedway is the place of his final run. And in addition to this report, he died two-hours after of the tragic accident and the management decided to stopped the event for a while.

Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow the latest news and updates related to what happened to Dan Wheldon.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Alona Tal Debuted in Supernatural Season 7!

Yeah! Hope you heard it already from the last Friday, October 14, 2011 episode of Supernatural Season 7. The charming witness who stands next to the guilt of Dean (Jensen Ackles) who faced Osiris, an Egyptian god who killed everyone as proven guilty of any wrong deeds from the pasts. According to the summary and synopsis of "Defending Your Life," the forth episode of the all new season of the show, Alona Tal played the role of Jo Harvelle, a charming beautiful witness for the case of Dean as Osiris decided to put the man on trial.

Alona Tal Debuted in Supernatural Season 7

And before we can forget, it's the first appearances of Alona in Supernatural and as a fan and follower the rising TV star, we hope that's participation will goes for good! You might probably ask for it too, right? And you don't need to waste your time instead, take a look around for reviews and recaps of Supernatural to know more about of what happened next to the trial of Dean and from the hands of Osiris.

Next week, if you are following The CW's blockbuster fictional drama-series, catch Charisma Carpenter as Maggie Stark, a witch who will put Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean to another set of mind-bending situation. She will be joined by James Marsters, her loving husband who will connect with the two brothers as they track down his wife.

You can join us once again as we continue to follow the appearances of Alona not just in Supernatural Season 7 but also to her other television projects.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Elizabeth Hurley and Roxane Mesquida in Gossip Girl Season 5

Guess what, the special appearances and participation of Elizabeth "Liz" Hurley and Roxane Mesquida earned our attention upon hearing their names in the season premiere and second episode of the show. We cannot deny it because somehow, the beauty of these two full-grown woman who made their way straight to the Upper East Side marked a new story we need to keep up every Monday evenings, right?

Elizabeth Hurley in Gossip Girl Season 5

Roxane Mesquida in Gossip Girl Season 5

Liz Hurley played the role of a woman with an interest towards Nate (Chace Crawford). The eye-opener of the all new season leaved us a couple of question but when the sister-in-law of Blair (Leighton Meester) came in yesterday evening straight from Monaco, we can say that there are lots of important line we shouldn't missed from now.

The sister-in-law of Blair is no other than Roxane Mesquida. She is a nice woman but somehow, she was coupled with a mystery behind aside from what we know about her older brother, the Prince of Monaco who fell in-love with Blair in a simple glimpse. According to reviews and recaps of Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode 2 - Beauty and the Feast, she might be a new face that will attract the hearts and minds of the national viewers afterwards.

Furthermore, we totally support that idea from the online writers as well from any television enthusiasts following the appearance of Roxane. And how about the role of Liz in the life of Nate? You are about to discover her entire motive soon as noted by the summary and synopsis of the show.

Try to catch some more about the special participation of Liz and Roxane in Gossip Girl Season 5 soon as we continue to follow their appearances on The CW's blockbuster show after of this break.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Charla Nash's Face Transplant Before and After Photo

Two years ago, we heard her name crossing the line after a 200-pound chimpanzee mauled her face. She got a severe damage all over her body from the sharp claws of the animal. Upon looking at her photo during that time, we cannot deny that her touching story open up our curiosity. And due to her helpless situation, people start to talk about her in Facebook, Twitter, as well in other social networking sites. It happened way back in the month of November 2009 and now, she is ready to face the world with her new look.

Three Years After Photo of Charla Nash
Face Transplants of Charla Nash

Before (Next to Charla Nash Chimpanzee Attack)
Face Transplants of Charla Nash Before

She undergone a face transplant which took three years to complete and guess what, we've been amazed by her first appearances of her photo in the Internet. And as we can remember, you cannot even recognized her face before but because of state-of-the-art technology in medicine, she is now on her new track to keep up her life for another chance. She recently appeared on television report and celebrity gossip sites. Furthermore, those people who knows too much about her are now giving their own speculations and good words from the miracle happened to Charla Nash.

According to our source, Charla recently share her bad experience but inspired everyone around her and those people who likely need to get this kind of plastic surgery. Actually, news and updates about her reached YouTube in just a matter of few moments after her interview appearances on TV. You can even see her name trending in Twitter from those folks trying to figure out her fast recovery.

Furthermore, her experience made a mark to the hearts and minds of those people who loved her. Her story is one of another inspiring and courageous way of living, right? She is not afraid to tell the world about the miracle of face transplant. From here, you can try to look around for her pictures taken with her new look.

Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow Charla Nash and those other related updates about her after of this break.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Anne Hathaway is Coming to Dark Knight Rises!

This might be the right time for us to keep up our time with Christopher Nolan's blockbuster movie which will rock your world next year! And that is no other than, the Dark Knight Rises were you are about to see Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. If you are one of her follower, you can try to look around for handful of photos showing her good look as the newly chosen star eligible to wear a black-fitted, shiny, and just like of what you can imagine with her role.

Anne Hathaway is Coming to Dark Knight Rises

Upon watching the sneak peek of the Dark Knight Rises, we've been amazed by her outstanding appearances, revealing the beauty of an ideal woman for Bruce Wayne who will be played by Christian Bale once again. Catch Batman once again by July 20, 2011 as noted by those people working behind the upcoming series of the film.

As we can remember, Halle Berry is the former prospect for Catwoman and guess what, Tom Hardy is up as Bane in the all new version of Batman. For now, we cannot compare Halle and Anne but we suggest to join the conversation of the movie fanatic in Facebook (unofficial fan page) as well in Twitter to know more about them.

We cannot deny that people are now probably excited to witness the tandem of Anne Hathaway and Christian Bale along with the other casts and characters of the movie. Check some more soon as we continue to bring you the latest news and updates related to Dark Knight Rises after of this break.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Eliza Dushku's Appearances in White Collar Season 3

If you are one of Eliza Dushku's fan and follower, catch her in the last Tuesday, August 2, 2011 episode of White Collar Season 3. She played the role of Raquel, an Egyptologist who joined Neal (Matt Bomer) in his mission to track down Matthew Keller (played by Ross McCall, another guest star of the show) who is the primary suspect in smuggling Egyptian artifacts.

Eliza Dushku in White Collar Season 3

Eliza is another prospect added to the recurring stars of the show which really catches our attention upon knowing her appearances few days ago. And guess what, her special participation brought out a lot of issue especially in her tandem with Matt. We know how good she is playing that role and her scenes leaved us a remarkable episode of White Collar.

The charming smile, look, and performance of Eliza gathered the speculation of audience in Facebook as well in Twitter as another issue they wanted to catch up with Matt. Join us once again as we continue to follow Eliza Dushku in other television-drama series that will give you the opportunity to catch her in some other time.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Andrew Dice Clay Debuted in Entourage Season 8

Guess what, the squad of funny guys of Entourage Season 8 has been added by wrestler-look alike comedian. And that is no other than Andrew Dice Clay! The big man who really catch our attention recently upon knowing his appearances in the second episode of the all new season of the show. At first, he play his role as a mysterious man who approached Ari (played by Jeremy Piven) to represent himself.

Furthermore, as we try to look around recently for reviews and recaps of the last Sunday, July 31, 2011 episode of Entourage, we saw his name from "Entertainment Tonight" as well in "The Hollywood Reporter" noting his special participation in the last season of the show. HBO is giving us the opportunity to catch him every weekend and if you're one of his follower, don't forget to mark your calendar starting today.

Andrew Dice Clay Debuted in Entourage

The show kick off every Sunday at 10:00 P.M. (E.T.) or 9:30 P.M. (P.T.) on HBO. Be a part of the "Undisputed Heavyweight Comedy King" special appearances in every episode of Entourage Season 8. And you can catch him along with Jeremy Piven, Adrian Grenier, and the other stunning casts and characters of the show.

Join us as we continue to follow Andrew Dice Clay a.k.a. "Dice Man" for more about him in Entourage Season 8.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mark Malkoff Walking with a Goat in Apple Store

This might be the coolest but craziest idea to shop with a goat, right? But of course, it is not a usual stuff for Mark Malkoff, one of "The Colbert Report's" personality who recently earned the attention of the media when he appeared walking with his goat in an Apple retail store somewhere in United States. According to our source, his YouTube video gain thousands of views in just a matter of few hours.

Mark is well-known comedian, a filmmaker, and one of University of New York alumni. However, this odd story of this man is not common to others but because of his unique way to buy a MacBook or probably an iPad, he really captured our attention recently. You can go and shop in any Apple store in any comic-con characters if you want and nobody will kick you out because of that.

Mark Malkoff Walking with a Goat

According to our source, the store even sell pizza, drinks, and more for the convenience of their customer. You can see people walking around with their dogs but with a countryside goat, that is awesome!

That store might be in New York City where Mark recently lived and because probably of his career as a comedian, he is ready to share the funny moments from his true-to-life experience in buying something in an Apple store.

As we can remember, he tried to visit Starbucks branches in Manhattan which also gained the attention of the world. Not to promote the coffee shop, but just for another fun he can share for everyone. That is way back in the summer of 2007 and now, this year, Mark made a new set of online video that can really turn your heads.

See the following video of Mark Malkoff below. You see him asking for a pizza delivery, romantic date with his wife, in Darth Vader asking someone within to fix his broken iPhone, and guess what, along with his goat in an Apple store.

These are just the few hilarious scenes taken straight from the 2nd floor of that probably, lucky or curse store of Steve Job. Catch Mark once again as we continue to follow his appearances in YouTube after this break.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Johnny Galecki is Joining Entourage Season 8!

Yeah! Fans and followers of Johnny Galecki, get ready for his special participation as one the regular cast of Entourage Season 8. HBO recently announced that Leonard of "The Big Bang Theory" is up to the team of Vincent (played by Adrian Grenier). However, his first appearances leaved us a few doubt as he play his own role for his name. He used the original identity as Johnny to play himself along with the other funny guys of the show.

Johnny Galecki in Entourage Season 8

Entourage is now on its last season according to Hollywood Access as well from a couple of announcements we heard before. His special participation can really turn your heads upon hearing his name flashing in your television. But if you missed to catch the season premiere of the show last Sunday, July 24, 2011, you can visit the official website of HBO for replay announcements as well news and updates about Johnny and his new squad.

From "The Big Bang Theory," Johnny has been welcomed by "Home Sweet Home," the first episode that really catch our attention recently. And guess what, he will be joining the agency for good starting last weekend hilarious plot. The summary and synopsis of the last Sunday evening episode of the show gave us a few important scenes you shouldn't missed about him.

And you can take a look around from here for other important details that can give you a detailed idea about the story of Leonard in Entourage Season 8. Check some more soon as we continue follow his appearances to the next upcoming episodes of the show.

Ben Shenkman in Drop Dead Diva Season 3

Guess what, if you are one of Ben Shenkman follower, catch him in the last Sunday, July 24, 2011 episode of Drop Dead Diva Season 3. The "Angels in America" film and "Proof" Broadway star debuted in the 5th episode of the show. He played the role of Dr. Bill Kendall, a man with an interest to Jane (played by Brooke Elliott).

He joined the line of stunning television comedian aside from Brooke Elliott. And few to mention, Shenkman is one of "Prom's" remarkable guest star to inline with Jackson Hurst, Kate Levering, and Ben Feldman! We cannot deny that his performance catches the attention of the national viewers because as we try to look around recently for other related details that can give us a little idea about him, there are few folks talking about him in Twitter as well in Facebook.

Ben Shenkman in Drop Dead Diva

You can watch his YouTube video during an pre-interview taken few months ago and probably, that was shoot next to the filming of Drop Dead Diva Season 3.

The last Sunday evening appearances of Ben brought out his talent as a legendary star, a hilarious man who can bring us laugh in just observing him with his odds behavior and probably, as a part of his role.

Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow Ben Shenkman, a former comic-con, stage actor, and now one of the stunning Hollywood stars who can act for laughter. This is just the small amount of details we discovered from him. Hope this can give you a few important details you shouldn't missed from his special participation in Drop Dead Diva.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger - Movie Trailer

This 22nd of July, 2011, witness the story of Steve Rogers, a man with a pasts deception in life that that drive him to volunteer and be called, Captain America: The First Avenger. Inspired by Marvell comic-con, the movie was scheduled to hit the United States big screen today! Be the first to witness his distinct skills and join him as he face the danger filled with a strong belief that started to grow from his inner self.

The role of Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America is played by Christopher Robert Evans, the superhero next to his name. He will be called the first avenger because of his mission along with his team formed during the post-war period. According to his biography, he tried to enter the military training but because of some shortcomings, he was immediately rejected.

Captain America The First Avenger Movie

But his strong faith doesn't end there instead, he take advantage the opportunity around him. For more, here's Captain America: The First Avenger movie trailer for preview and for you to know more of Steve,

You can try to look around for the movie red-carpet premiere video for the casts and characters debuted along with Captain America or visit the official website of Marvel for news and updates related to the story of Steve Rogers that awaits you.

The Walking Dead Season 2 is Up this October 2011

If you are one of AMC's zombie drama followers, get ready for another chapter of the story that will take you to the world of zombie nation! Be a part of the upcoming all new season premiere of The Walking Dead this October 16, 2011 and witness the continuation as well flash back from the pasts journey of Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), Shane Walsh (Jon Bernthal), and the rest of survivors. Join them as they continue to their journey to find a safest place and hide themselves from the danger coupled in each of their remaining days on Earth.

According to our source, The Walking Dead Season 2 filming started last June of this year and AMC also announced the thrill and adventure that will cross your television few months from now. Guess what, Grimes is up out of Atlanta to a countryside as noted by its regular comic-con series which will be compose of 13-episodes.

The Walking Dead Season 2 Poster

Before of anything else, don't forget to look around for other important details you shouldn't missed in The Walking Dead new season and be the first to witness the stunning performances of Andrew Lincoln and other stars debuted in AMC's zombie-drama series in American television. You can visit the official website of the show for news and updates as well behind the scene footage that can tease you to keep up your time with the casts and characters of the show soon.

DVD compilation of the first season is now available in some record stores or you can get it straight in eBay as well in Amazon. You can grab your own copy if you want to check the first 13-episodes that captured the hearts and minds of the audience before.

And of course, don't forget the video game that can give you a very cool experience against the zombies. Wired recently announced how the inspiring television series attracts thousands of viewers nationwide to get a copy of their games in any reliable source on the line.

The Walking Dead Chronicles is now available in selected news stand for anyone who would like to know the exciting scenes and plots that awaits you. Although it is quite far from what we are trying to talk about, that merchandise can probably drive you to dress like a blood-thirsty zombie for the Halloween special of the show by November.

Check some more soon as we continue to bring you the highlights and upcoming episodes of The Walking Dead Season 2 after of this break.

Matthew Lauria Debuted in Burn Notice Season 5

The last Thursday, July 21, 2011 episode of Burn Notice Season 5 gave us the opportunity to know the special participation of Matthew "Matt" Lauria as the new recurring star of the show. From "The Chicago Code," he is now headed to the team of Michael Westen (played by Jeffrey Donovan). And the 5th episode of the show marked his first appearances as the guest star. He is an ex-military member debuted in their mission from their attempt to hunt down the responsible person who killed Max (played by Grant Show before).

Matthew Lauria is also one of "Friday Night Lights" star and now turn his career to a couple of crime-drama series which actually captured the hearts and minds of the audience. His special participation will last probably for almost four episodes but nobody can confirm this rumor from the other television enthusiasts sites.

Matthew Lauria in Burn Notice

His fans and followers are now probably talking about him and we are just waiting for any possible updates that can give us a strong proof of his regular appearances in Burn Notice Season 5. Just try to check some more soon as we continue to keep up our time following him in upcoming CIA's mission along with the other casts and characters of the show.

The Shannen Doherty Project is Up in WeTV!

Fans and followers of Shannen Doherty, it's time for you to get ready for her newly announced project on TV starting today. You are about to witness her appearances in WeTV's few days from now. However, there is no official statement about the airtime schedule of the first episode of the show but somehow, it is great to hear the name of the Charmed star going back for another remarkable and challenging story of her life.

According to our source, she is about to bring us her true-to-life story. We can probably witness her ups and downs as well her outstanding career way back in Charmed as well in Beverly Hills 90210. We've been surprised by her appearances in Dancing with the Stars before, her good performance remind us to keep up our time with her in these few words of ours.

At the age of 40, Shannen is now ready to face the audience with confidence as she bring us her day-to-day routines.

The Shannen Doherty Project

For more, check out the statement noted by US Weekly for more about the upcoming "The Shannen Doherty Project" of WeTV:
"It's going to take a look at Shannen's day-to-day life, her wedding happens to be a part of it because she is engaged and that takes up a lot of her time, but she's also dealing with a huge issue involving her home and insurance company."
These are just the few exciting thing you need to know about the show. Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow the other related details that will make this story complete for anyone asking for the name Shannen at these time.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony Divorce, Confirmed!

The recent season of American Idol always remind us with Jennifer Lopez as one of the outstanding judges inline with Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler. A couple of days ago, we heard the turmoil in her life when celebrity gossip sites start to brought out a few negative words in regards with the status of relationship. According to our source, J'Lo and Marc Anthony would like to end their seven-years of marriage life, a shocking news which actually turn our head to their private life.

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

And E! Online confirmed this rumor when few lines of J'Lo's statements related to this issue came out as early of this morning, July 15, 2011. However, the 7th year anniversary of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony doesn't save their relationship. In addition to this report, the two exchange their vow last June of 2005 and now, they are both ready to face the final stuff, and that is to cut the knot that ties their body and soul!

Here's a statement that will confirmed this big blasts of issue:
"We have decided to end our marriage," as noted by E! News. "This was a very difficult decision. We have come to amicable conclusion on all matters. It is a painful time for all involved and we appreciate the respect of our privacy at this time."
Furthermore, we are currently looking for a strong clue about the trouble within the small family of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. But for now, nobody can tell about their plans especially for their twins, Emme and Max. We are still waiting for any related details and try to check some more soon as we continue to follow this story on the line.

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony with Max and Emme

And before we can forget, don't forget to catch the upcoming music video of Jennifer Lopez. That is no other than "I'm Into You" along with William Levy. You can check it now in YouTube!

Jesse Tyler Ferguson is Up in So You Think You Can Dance Season 8!

Next week, catch Jesse Tyler Ferguson in So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) Season 8! And guess what, upon hearing the result and the nomination of Catherine Elizabeth Deeley or Cat, the most surprising stuff that really turn our heads is when we read the name of Modern Family's star crosses our computer screen while writing a few notes for the last July 14, 2011 episode of the show.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson in So You Think You Can Dance Season 8

And of course, Jesse will be joining Mary Murphy and Nigel Lythgoe to criticize the Top 10 stunning performers who able to make it on the top and exciting part of the Fox Broadcasting Network's reality show. He will joining not the dancers but try to catch his own words from what we are about to witness from the dance moves that will arrive in your television soon.

We don't hear even a few words from any source on the line as we look around from his television interview. Probably, his upcoming appearances is a great experience to be added in his successful career, right? We cannot deny it because as we follow Modern Family, we can say that Jesse Tyler Ferguson will be on his another right track soon.

Try to catch some more soon as we continue to follow his appearances and join us in Hot Blends to share the our reviews and recaps for the next episodes of the show.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

James Harrison Interview Statements with Men's Journal

There might be a few harsh words that will actually turn your heads upon hearing the following statements of Pittsburgh Steelers, James Harrison during her appearances in Men's Journal for an interview. And guess what, no doubt that he is not just good in the football field and also in dealing with the opportunity that the world can hear his strong voice.

James Harrison

Here's a statement of James during his interview noted by AFC East Blog recently:
"I should have another ring," James Harrison said. "We were the best team in football in 2004, but the Patriots, who we beat during the regular season, stole our signals and picked up 90 percent of our blitzes."
Then what are his strong points about that? Probably, he is planning to shift the gear of his career upon saying those words, right? It sounds like he's trying to fill the air with a big announcement that will probably put a snap in the face of every Steelers fans! Although for now, it is hard to connect the dot of the story but according to our source, he even throw a few punches of words to the commissioner of NFL as well to one of his team's quarterback.

He also mentioned the name of Rodney Harrison and Tedy Bruschi as well the New England Patriots, his former team.

Let's try to look around for more about the other related details that can give you a few important info about his interview with Men's Journal. We cannot find a final words to say about his statement for now because we cannot find at least one television interview that will support the few words of ours.